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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Why am I the only one who has to change?" I cried as Din, Artemis, and I took the elevator to where he was letting us stay.

"Because it's much more realistic when it's you acting as the patron, and he acts as a bodyguard." Artemis said as he looked at his nails. Making sure the recent manicure he got was still intact, "Besides do you want to be the person who makes the Mandalorian break his creed, because I don't."

I could see his eyes shift over to me from the comer of my own. I heard a small chuckle from Din as the heat began to rise to my cheeks. I mean I technically already did. Though all he told me there was a slight loophole with the word "Riduur." He still refused to explain exactly what the word meant no matter how many times I asked.

I kept my sights on the numbers rising on the panel. Hoping Artemis wasn't noticing the blush creep across my face. I should've remembered how nosey Artemis could be. Always finding a work around way to get information out of someone. Whether it be their words or simply their reaction. He was able to read anyone he met like an open book.

The door finally dinged as it opened towards a short hallway. Din and I stepped out as Artemis dug into his pocket. Pulling out a clear card with the hotels name written in gold.

"Here's your room, I would've given you the penthouse but it was already rented out. So, second best will have to do." He said as he handed me the keycard. "Dress is inside. I'll meet you down there in a few hours."

He walked back to the elevator, pressing a button quickly before tucking his hands into his pockets. "Also, your relationship is unclear. Gave you the room with the king bed. Have fun!" His words came out so fast but every single one hit me like a brick.

I opened my mouthy to say something, but nothing except a stuttered noise came out. I reached out to stop him, but the elevator doors began to close. Leaving me with nothing but his evil smirk as the doors shut completely.

I let out a deep breath as I turned to Din, who in return just stared down at me with his helmet tilted to the side. Knowing underneath that mask was a condescending look. A joking comment waiting to escape his mouth, but I pointed a finger at him before he could.

"Don't." I demanded as I pressed the keycard on the panel and opened the door. My jaw dropped as we walked in slowly.

Seeing the beautifully decorated one room suite. It was a large, long room, each space separated by dark wooden sliding doors. The first space being the common room, with a small kitchen and dining area against the wall. The next space being the bedroom, and another sliding door leading to the bathroom. Honestly, I was surprised this was considered second best. This was better than how we've been living for a while now. As we moved through the room looking around, I couldn't help but get excited. Just for being able to sleep comfortably for once.

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