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I grabbed my weapons and we both moved out of the hut quickly. We stopped just outside of it looking out into the destruction. People cowered and ran frantically. I turned and saw the roof of the hut next to mine was on fire.

My heart sunk to my stomach. They came faster then I had thought. Karmat was just a few steps ahead. Looking around at his once prosperous village slowly burn to shambles. The child sat in his silver ball beside him cowering in fear.

I looked out towards the sky as four Tie Fighters sped past over the village. Shooting their blasters across the field. The Mandalorian and I both ducked, his body hovering over mine as the ground around us imploded. Dirt and large chunks of rubble flew towards us.

We stood up slowly as the Tie Fighters disappeared towards the clearing in the forest. I breathed heavily as we both got up. Karmat and the child ran up to us. Thankfully they were both fine, but the others I wasn't sure of.

I steadied my breathing and looked around. This happened way to fast. A plan needed to be set. Now. What do we do though? Everything felt so helpless.. I took one last deep breath and stood up straight and looked deep into the forest. "Karmat get the people on the transport. Mandalorian, get that child to a safe place." I said quietly.

Their eyes followed me as I pulled out my blaster and began to walk forward. Karmat grunted in frustration, "Where are you going?" He yelled.

"I'm buying you some time. I'll meet you back at the transport when you're ready to take off."

Then I ran. Blaster in my hand ready to shoot any trooper I saw. I could hear Karmat yell my name as I took off. Karmat's voice slowly disappearing the deeper in the forest I got.

The forest stood still. So still it was as if time had stopped. I crouched low as the leaves below me crunched. Tucking behind every tree I passed before moving forward again. The sound of twigs breaking could be heard a few feet beside me. I tucked my body against the tree as a light emerged from the dark. I tilted my head around, seeing two troopers walking together. Guns drawn forward as they made their way towards the village.

I sucked in a breath. Closing my eyes and trying to steady my shaking hands. Once they stopped I whipped around the tree. Raising the gun up and took my shot. One of the troopers fell straight to the ground. The other looked down at him surprised before turning his head back to me.

"She's in the forest." He spoke through his commlink frantically, "I repeat she's in the-arghh."

He fell to the ground as well when I took another shot. Hitting him straight through his chest. I immediately ran again. Pushing the tall shrubs away and clearing a path. If I could keep them distracted long enough then the others could escape. Even if it meant I died here. Their safety was all that mattered.

The ground around me imploded as a large blast landed next to my feet. My body shot back. Sliding across the dirt under me. I groaned as I rolled over. Sitting up to see another trooper walking towards me with his blaster drawn. I could see my blaster laying a few feet away from me. Too far for me to reach.

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