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The next morning Ahsoka had led us down the path within the moss-covered woods. Din held the child closely to him as she searched for a safe place to test Grogu. Though the sun was up, and it was still early in the morning, a dense fog had cast around us. Blocking any sunlight from lighting the dead forest too brightly. Keeping us safe from too many wandering eyes that may cross our paths. Ahsoka paused as she stopped in front of a rock completely covered in moss. She smiled as she turned to Grogu.

"Let's see what knowledge is lurking inside that little mind." She said as she stroked his nose softly with her finger. She motioned her hand to the side, directing Din to place Grogu on the rock. He did and the child began to ramble as Din patted his back. Stepping away from the child. I took a seat at a stump away from the two and Din stood beside me. I watched closely as Ahsoka bent down, grabbing a small rock from the dirt and stood back up.

She tossed it in her hand and turned to Grogu. Keeping a warm smile on her face. She brought her arm forward, holding the rock in the palm of her hand. With a small movement of her hand the rock began to float. Moving slowly through the air towards Grogu. Din's helmet turned, following the floating rock closely as the child reached his tiny arms out and grabbed the rock with two hands. He stared down at the rock curiously and I couldn't help but wonder if he thought it was food.

"Now, return the stone to me, Grogu." Ahsoka said as she held her hand back out. Grogu stared at her silently. No coo's or random noises being spoken.

Din stood up straight and stepped forwards a bit, "He doesn't understand." He said. Sounding slightly annoyed at Ahsoka.

"He does." Ahsoka said simply. The child made a slight noise as I watched him closely. The poor thing stared down at the rock. As if frightened to do anything. I shifted my eyes between the two, knowing he didn't fully trust Ahsoka yet. "It's okay. The stone, Grogu." She reassured him. The child looked up at Din and I as Din motioned his head towards Ahsoka. Trying his best to encourage him. Instead, Grogu dropped the stone out of his hands. The stone slammed to the ground. Din let out a disappointed sigh.

Ahsoka walked towards Grogu. Kneeling down to his level and let out a small sigh. Grogu kept his eyes towards the ground. Looking as if ashamed or frightened to do anything. Ahsoka grabbed his small hand into hers and closed her eyes. "I sense much fear in you." She said quietly and the child looked up at her. Understanding what she said. She stood back up and walked towards the spot she was at. "He's hidden his abilities to survive over the years."

That much we had in common. Even I struggled to connect with the Force fully after joining Din on his travels. Never had a reason to fully use the Force when I was on Karraku. Only keeping the lightsaber on my side for safety and meditating when I could. Things could be risky with the Force. The kid was the same way.

"Let's try something else." Ahsoka said as she stared at Grogu, "Come over here." Din looked back towards the child, motioning his head once more for Grogu to follow her orders. Grogu just lowered his shoulders and looked back towards the ground.

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