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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

The next morning was the day of the wedding. The sun crept early through the window beside my bed. The light shining and forcing me to begin moving. I sat up in bed, hearing chatter through the window as the villagers began prepping for the event ahead. Despite the movement below the only thought crossing through my mind was Cassian.

The way his jacket smelled as it sat wrapped around my shoulders. Like sandalwood mixed with the leather patch work. The way his copper-colored eyes looked at me like I was the only person in the galaxy to exist. The dark wavy hair blowing in the wind as we both just stared at each other until his lips tugged up, and his tongue swiped quickly along the bottom lip. My thoughts immediately being consumed with all the possibilities of what his lips tasted like.


I let out a frustrated groan. Falling backwards and slamming my head back against the pillows under me. I didn't know how I was going to make it through this day let alone the rest of the mission. If my mind was already wandering to those kinds of thoughts. Well...it was clear I was completely and royally screwed.

I got out of bed quickly, opening the door slowly before turning back around and shutting it softly. It was quiet within the house, only to make me assume Cassian was still asleep in the other room. I closed it with barely any noise and went to turn around. That's when my head planted face first into wall wrapped in cotton.

A pain shot through my nose as I grabbed onto it quickly. Pressing my fingers against it as I tripped back. My eyes scrunching together as they begin to tear up. I felt a pair of warm hands grip onto my arms to steady me.

"Are you okay?" Cassian's voice filled with concern, while also deeper then usually from just waking up. That mixed with his Kenari accent practically made my knees weak. I opened my eyes to see him towering over me. His wavy locks tussled into a small mess on his head. His chin already growing a five o'clock shadow onto it. Damn it he looked good.

No. Stop it.

Cassian's hand pulled away from my arm and began to reach towards my face. My head taking full control of my body, pulling me back away quickly, only to forget that the hallway between the rooms was a short distance. The back of my head to slammed back against the wall behind me. "Ow, damn it." I cursed out as my other hand reached for my head. Cassian stood there, concerned and confused as I stepped away from him, making my way down the hallway.

"Amara-" He called out, but I cut him off quickly.

"I'm fine. I'm just...still half asleep." I lied.

Cassian said nothing as he watched me walk away. I felt it was more out of concern for my safety than anything else. "Okay? Do you mind if I take the bathroom first?" He asked, his voice still full of confusion. My response I don't even think was a coherent sentence. I practically ran away in embarrassment once again. I couldn't even hear whatever response he replied with. The steam practically coming out of my ears from the heat rising in my cheeks.

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