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"You can't leave!" I argued. Throwing my hands out in frustration towards Karmat. He didn't move an inch. He kept his stern face not allowing any emotion to show. Typical of him in a situation like this.

He had made a plan on his own. The plan was being for the village to pack up what they could and find a new place to start over. Knowing full well they wouldn't stop coming now that they knew we were here. I hated the plan.

"You know Imperials are still working behind the scenes. now that they know you're here they will be sent. There is no way the two of you can protect this village on your own." He argued back.


Karmat slammed the end of his cane down against the wooden floor. The loud tap echoing the room and forcing me to keep my mouth shut.

"My decision is final." He growled.

I stood there quietly. Trying to keep my heavy breathing calm. I felt the tears begin to well in my eyes. My jaw clenched tightly as the same thought flashed through my mind.

This was my fault.

This was all my fault.

I quickly turned around. Pushing the curtain covering my door to the side and walking out. I didn't know where I was headed. I just needed to just leave before they could see me completely break down.

I entered the forest and continued straight. After a few minutes I stopped at a clearing in the middle of the forest. On one end was the waterfall the villagers would collect their water from. I just stared at the water crashing into the pond below it. Such a beautiful place and I ruined it.

The wind began to pick up, and the trees surrounding me rustled loudly. At the same time I felt something. A disturbance in the Force. It was faded, as if somewhere far away. But those waves I had felt earlier, were begging to crash even harder.

A clothed hand grabbed onto my shoulder. Instinct kicked in immediately. I grabbed the hilt of my lightsaber. Igniting it quickly and turning around. Stopping it just in time to linger by the neck of the person who touched me.

The Mandalorian stood stiff as a board. His head pulled back to avoid being cut off by my weapon. I stood there trying to calm myself. Telling myself over and over that I wasn't in danger. At least not with him. I shifted my gaze down seeing the child gripping tightly to his legs. Hiding behind it as if scared too.

I quickly retreated the saber back. When I did I felt his hand on my shoulder loosen. I took another deep breath. Pulling away from him and turning back to the waterfall. I stared at the bottom. Noticing that the fish had completely disappeared from the pond.

"I didn't mean to scare you. Just came to check up on you." He said as he grabbed the child and held him in his arms.

"You didn't. I'm on edge." I said quietly. Maybe a slight lie. I'm scared but not of him. Things weren't sitting right with me. "There's a disturbance in the Force. Something big is coming, but I can't grasp on what it is." I replied back. Looking back around at the trees beginning to calm once more.

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