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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Trigger warning: depiction of drugging/involuntary ingestion of drug

The stares were different this time as we walked through the large crowd of people. Instead of complete fear their stares showed ones of interest and curiosity. I could only wonder what story Artemis purposely let get passed around to keep people questioning why a Mandalorian was walking around his casino.

My eyes shifted around the many faces staring back. Hoping to see the single familiar face I now had the urge to punch. One of the servers hired for the party strolled by, lowering his tray of drinks towards me. I stared at the two choices, one a deep red, the other a purple glittery hue. Nothing that seemed to be a normal casual drink.

I grabbed the purple on as the server disappeared back to the crowds. Staring at the drink in disgust before holding it up above me. Letting the bright lights of the room seep through it. Catching the glitter inside the glass and making the drink look like a starry constellation. How the hell does he come up with this stuff?

I caught the familiar blonde hair up in the balcony above the floor. Nothing but a bright smile watching my every move below. I brought the drink down and turned to Din. Motioning my head for him to follow.

We made our way up the staircase. I walked up slower than usual. Trying my best not to slip on my dress and make a complete fool of myself. When we reached the top, a rope barricade was opened for us and I greeted Artemis at once.

"Gods I am so good." He boasted as he grabbed my hand and stared up and down my outfit. I said nothing and gave him a glare through the mask which was easily noticed by him, "Oh stop. You probably never get to dress up anymore. Enjoy it and be grateful."

I bit my tongue to keep myself from saying anything bad. Knowing it would just ruin his night if I took it too far. He was being very accommodating for us.

I let out a sigh, "What story did you spread to change up all the stares?"

"Oh, you're just a simple socialite traveling all the way from Cantonia. Hired the Mandalorian from the guild for simple protection." Artemis smiled, "No one saw you leave together in Mos Eisley right? So, no one assumes you're the girl spotted traveling with him."

I rolled my eyes and turned away. Leaning over the railing and staring back down at the party bellow. Artemis leaned his back against it next to me.

"You can say I did a good job; you know." I kept my glare as he just lifted his hands defensively.

"What are we looking for?" Din finally asked. Changing the conversation.

Artemis dug into his pocket and pulled out a small vial. Holding it in between his hands. "This." He said simply. I pulled away from the railing and stared at it. The small glass vial holding just a small drop of the drug. He flicked it out of his fingers towards us, and I caught it in my hand. Bringing it down in front of my face.

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