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A/N: Spicy chapter incoming!

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A/N: Spicy chapter incoming!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

After seeing my mother and Devron off, I walked back into my bedroom and leaned against the door frame. I watched Cassian's chest move up and down slowly. I was so grateful that he trusted me and didn't get involved. My heart couldn't handle losing him or Devron while trying to protect them both. I let out a deep breath and pulled myself from the wall. I hated what this man was doing to me.

I walked over towards the side of the chair and crouched down beside it. My eye trailed Cassian's face as he slept. For everything we went through it was nice to see he was able to sleep peacefully. I hated that I was about to ruin it.

I reached out and placed a hand on his head, running my fingers through his soft brown hair before trailing down his head and placing my hand on his cheek. My thumb stoked softly across it. So lightly I questioned if it was going to wake him. But Cassian sucked in a breath and his eyes tightened before opening. They opened and closed rapidly before he turned his head towards me. I just gave him a soft smile as his eyes locked onto mine.

He sat up straight in the chair in a swift motion. His hand clutching tightly to the arm rests as eyes searched my face. As if trying to believe I was right there in front of him.

"Hi." I said softly trying to ground him as my hand fell from his face and onto his hand.

Cassian let out a sigh of relief. "Hi." He said softly, as his thumb softly patted my wrist. I watched as his eyes darted across my face, clearly trying to find anything that might have gone wrong. His eyes darted from my face and down towards my arm. Catching sight of the white wrap around it.

His hand gripped tightly onto the arm of the chair, ready to stand up but I placed a hand on his chest to stop him.

"I'm okay." I said calmly, "Just a small battle wound."

"You were out for a while." He said softly.

"I used a lot more of the Force then what I'm used to." I answered him.

"Is she..."

My jaw tightened and the reality set in about what happened. "She dead." I said coldly. I pulled away from Cassian and stood back up. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed in front of him.

I did it. I killed her. I took a life. Something that sounds ridiculous to say when the two of us are spies within the Rebellion, killing stormtroopers is a daily thing. But somehow this felt different.

I could feel my stomach churn and my throat began to burn as mom's breakfast tried to make its way back up from just the thought alone. But I took a deep breath to settle it back down.

Cassian's studied me as I keep my sight on my boots below me. My hands clutching tightly together on my knees. Cassian leaned forward and placed his arms onto his knees. Not loosening his sight on me.

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