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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The ride to Curvus was awkward. Neither Din nor I said a word to each other as we both stared blankly through the large window in front of us. Corvus was such a dark planet, even when you looked at it from the stars. The second the ship settled on the terrain I got up from my seat. Din's sight following me every way. Din followed behind me as the ramp lowered slowly. The child's coo's filling the silence between us. I'm sure the kid could notice something was up to. I felt guilty for the poor thing.

We both paused at the edge of the ramp. Din tucked the child deeply inside the satchel that hung by his side. I reached up for the mask that was now back around my neck. Bringing the fabric up to sit on my face. Forced to return back to something I thought I let go of long ago. Falling back into the past I left behind.

"You think it's needed?" he asked quietly. Almost a hint of guilt in his modulated voice. I let out a deep breath as I pulled my hood up as well. Covering as much of myself as I could.

"I really don't have a choice now, Din." I responded. Din had now response to my answer. Once again his words were either lost, or who knows what. I wasn't getting anything from him. It was like he completely shut down. Granted I came off a little harsh, but even so, we've always managed to settle back into a normal routine. This reminded me of when he said that he was going to return me to the Republic. Actually, this time it all felt so much worse.

I can't be mad anymore. I can't be upset. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Pushing those feelings away quickly. I've sat on them for too long. The deeper I fall into them, the worse it will get for the both of us. I opened my eyes, and the feelings were lost once more. I turned to Din, locking my eyes onto the black visor. Keeping my words short and simple. "Let's go." I said quietly.

When we arrived to the city's gates, we were immediately met by the guard. The one who seemed to be in charge, and in his own set of armor, asked us the questions. Why we were here, if we were bounty hunters, if we were part of the guild. Din and I lied our way through the entire thing. Replying that I was just a simple bounty hunter and not Mandalorian, like he was. The lies worked because next thing we knew we were entering the city, only to be pulled away to meet with the Magistrate.

We were escorted through the main street towards a second set of gates. Electrocution cages lined the main path towards our destination. A few people sat within them as the sparks went off. I bit my tongue as one of them begged for our help. I could only wonder how long they had been in there. The gate closed as we entered, silencing their cries. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as we waited for the next gate to open. I wanted to run out there and help. Do what I could to at least get them out. I knew I had to pick and choose my battles now.

I guess I was breathing too heavily because suddenly Din's hand wrapped around mine. Bringing me back to reality and the current mission we had. My eyes opened back up with one last deep breath. Feeling myself become immediately calm. Well at least there was some progress towards our situation. The door in front of us began to open, and with a single squeeze Din let go. And as the gate opened fully it felt like we were on a completely different planet.

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