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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Darkness surrounded me, but this time it was almost welcoming. My eyes gazed around looking for whatever terror lurked around the corner. The silence felt like a comforting old friend, a thought that concerned me tremendously. There was a difference this time though, a cold shiver ran through me from my hands. My fingers gripped tightly to my father's lightsaber.

Everything changed in a moment. In a single blink of my eyes the saber was ignited in front of me. My hands shook as I held it. The light embedded into the chest of the inquisitor.

It won't stop. None of it will stop. He'll make sure your little rebellion dies. You will lose everything you love.

It was at that moment the silence was no longer a comfort. Instead, the sound of heavy footsteps approached behind me. The heavy mechanical breaths followed, perfectly timed like a metronome. My body tensed and before I could turn to face the evil stepping up behind me, I heard his lightsaber ignite.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

My eyes shot open as I grasped for a breath. My chest tightening as if I couldn't grab on to it. Feeling as if I was drowning in my own panic. The water pulled me down despite how hard I tried to swim back up. A hand reached out to me, pulling me to the surface. My mother's soft skin placed on my own steadied my breaths. When I looked at her the world came back into view.

Behind her soft smile I could see we were surrounded by the walls of my childhood bedroom. The many thoughts running through my head began to filter through and I sat up quickly in my bed. "Devron! Is he-"

My mother shushed me softly and placed a finger over her mouth. She pulled it away and pointed behind me. Besides my bed Cassian slept in a chair. His head leaned against his fist, and his hair disheveled, pieces falling in front of his face. He looked so still and a part of me was jealous, he was able to sleep so calmly. Nightmares not haunting his dreams.

I looked back at my mother as she smiled and gave my hand a quick squeeze. She motioned her head towards the door, and got up, heading out the doorway. I pushed the sheets off of me and tossed my legs over the edge of the bed. My muscles groaned with the sudden movement, and I pushed my hands against the bed. A sharp pain from my arm joining with the anger from the rest of my muscles. Moving was going to suck the next few days.

I looked back at Cassian before walking out of the room. Following my mother through the hall and into the kitchen like I was five years old again. "He hasn't left your side since we got here. Poor thing stayed up for as long as he could waiting for you to wake up. Best to let him sleep."

My mother paused in the kitchen and turned to me. Her hands rubbing up and down my arms in comfort. She quickly pulled me into a hug. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders tightly.

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