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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"What is this place?" Cassian asked. His voice echoed through the small pathway. I held a small light in front of me. The light illuminating only a few inches ahead. If I tried to see anything farther, I was met with pure darkness.

"It was an old passageway the Tusken's used. My father works with them the best he can. So, they allowed him to build our house around it." I replied. Many times, my father would lead us down here, showing us the pathway in case we ever needed to take it. I remembered how scared I used to be coming down here. The cave was humid, and the air was dry. The darkness was even worse. I learned to appreciate the cave as I got older. Using it for my escapes into the city.

"It's how I used to sneak out to Mos Eisley without my father knowing." I continued, "The exit connects right into the basement of the house."

"Smart man." Cassian added.

"He had to be. Wouldn't have survived the purge if he wasn't." I paused at the end of the path and raised the light up towards the top of the wall. Just above us a section of the wall was made with large slabs of pour stone. Each tiled perfectly in place. To anyone else it would look like a normal wall. "Right here." I spoke.

Cassian looked up and stared for a second. As if questioning if we were at the right spot. The entire cave looked the same the whole way through. He quickly knelt on one knee, and I placed a foot onto it before he helped lift me up slightly to reach the top of the wall. I pushed my hands against the slab of pour stone and felt the piece push out of place before moving it to the side. I tilted my head in every direction looking for any possibility that the Imperials had entered my home.

"Anything?" Cassian asked below me quietly.

"No, I think we're clear." I said and pushed myself up through the entrance.

I reached down and helped pull Cassian up and when we both settled back onto our feet we stood silently. Neither of us dared to move. Worried that any sound would alert the Imperials that we were here. My concern was how quiet it was. The house was never this silent. My heart pounded so loudly that it was almost the only sound we could hear.

Suddenly grains of sand began to fall from the ceiling above us as quick paced steps tapped lightly across the floor. Cassian gave me a quick look, but my feet moved without thinking. The steps were too light to be any stormtrooper. No heavy boot of an Inquisitor. My own feet stomped loudly up the steps. My hands pushed against the door that led into the training room.

I all saw was a flash of red and felt Cassian's hands grab onto my waist. He pulled me back quickly, his chest pushed against my back as his arms wrapped around me tightly. He pushed his back against the doorframe. Only giving us a small bit of cover. His chest heaved quickly as another blast was sent in our direction.

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