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The Razorcrest lowered slowly onto the bay in Mos Eisley. Though I wanted to be happy and excited to be home and see another familiar face again, I had a sinking feeling in my gut. If there was a chance the Mandalorian I knew of did not die, then there was a chance we may be in danger. Or at least I may be in danger.

Din pressed a few buttons as the ship safely landed. The engines kicking up the sands around the ship. I got up immediately as Din shut off the ship. Grabbing a few of my things and walked out the cockpit. I felt Din's hand grab onto mine. Stopping me from getting to far away. He could see me retreating to my old ways. Never speaking out on how I was really feeling.

"What is it?" He asked quietly. I took in a deep breath and shook my head.

"The only Mandalorian I knew of on this planet was a bounty hunter for the Hutts. He wasn't the easiest to go up against." I said quietly. Din tilted his head to the side. Pulling away from my hand and bringing his up to my face. He brushed a few strands of my hair away from my face.

"You forget that you have me by your side now." He spoke softly.

I shook my head. I knew that was true. However, if this Mandalorian was truly the one they called Boba Fett, I worried Din being a Mandalorian wasn't going to be enough. "He wasn't just a bounty hunter for the Hutts Din. He worked for the Empire as well."

Din's chest rose as he realized now why I was becoming worried. He leaned down and pressed his helmet against my forehead. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling a bit of calm.

"There's nothing to worry about anymore, and if there was. I'll protect you. No matter what." He spoke.

I couldn't hide the smile growing on my face. I nodded my head against his helmet. He was right. I was worrying about nothing. With my brother now gone, the Empire wasn't going to be after me anymore. Even with Gideon now gone I as well doubt they were still running.

Din stroked my cheek one last time before pulling away. The two of us turning towards the door and opened it up. I could already see Peli working on something as the door opened. The droids she had already holding their tools, ready to work on the Razorcrest.

"Hey hey hey!" She yelled at them, "Sorry gang. Come on. You know he doesn't like droids."

Din and I walked off as I stared at the droids looking defeated. Setting their tools back to their places. Their chattering made me wonder what they were saying to each other.

"May as well let them have at it." Din said as we stepped over to Peli, "The Crest needs a good once-over."

"Oh, so he likes droids now." Peli responded sarcastically. Din brought the satchel across his chest forward. The child sitting inside quietly as Peli face changed to pure excitement. "Oh! Thank the Force! This little thing has had me worried sick." She grabbed the child out of the bag and cradle him in her arms. The child letting out small coos as his large eyes stared back up at her.

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