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Adelphi - Present Day

"So, it seems the hearing went well." Micha said as we stood at the counter within the base lounge. A bright smile sat on his face as he leaned his arm against the counter, motioning to the bartender to bring us some drinks.

"Pardoned for desertion. It seems you can't argue much when you helped bring down the Empire more times than once." I said with a thin smile.

"I'm sure saving the General a few times helped as well."

"Right place right time." I smirked.

Micha handed me my glass and raised his own, "Cheers, to finally being free."

"Almost free." Carson added from behind me. "Her pardon was under the deal that she helps Adelphi if needed."

I turned my head to peer over my shoulder. Carson just smiled so casually as he leaned back against the counter. He took a sip of his drink as he stared with his brows raised. I could tell he was thinking it meant I would be back fully.

"I helped bring in Gideon. As long as you do your job properly then I won't be needed." I bit back with a smile.

Carson just chuckled lightly before finishing the last of his drink. He set it down on the counter before placing his hands into his pocket. "It's good to have you back Lieutenant." He said as we walked away.

"I'm not back." I fought back.

"Knowing your track record, they'll be something we need you for." He replied, keeping his back to me and giving me a simple wave.

I rolled my eyes as I turned back to Micha, letting out a deep breath. The man tried his best to hide his laughter. He kept his head turned.

"I'm not back." I said a little more sternly. "I'm only here because Leia and Luke made me. I have to go back to training."

Micha turned back as his laughter began to change into a soft chuckle. He lifted his glass back up in between us. "Regardless, It's good to have you home Amara."

The smile truly grew on my face. I lifted my glass up towards his, and as they hit together the familiar clink was welcoming.

After the small celebration Micha and I walked the path towards the townlet. I could hear Micha speaking to me but the farther we got the more my mind began to wander. The small memories I held, those that were just simple times in a life full of chaos, began to return to me.

And when we grew closer towards the fourth house on the left, my hands began to tremble. I quickly placed them into my pockets to hide my clenching fists.

Micha pulled a pair of keys out of his pocket and walked to the door. "I've been paying the rent since you left."

I had forgotten that what I left behind might not have been where when I came back. The world moved on without me...without him. My heart was thankful that Micha didn't let that happen.

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