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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Din and I both sat silently as we exited hyperspace. The two of us tense for just a minute as we waited to see if we were fully in the clear. Once the ship settled and floated softly through the empty galaxy surrounding us we both leaned back in our chairs and let out a long sigh.

"I told you that was a bad idea." He said as he turned to me. I just laughed softly and shook my head. Din reached over to the handle on the panel and unscrewed a small silver ball on the lever. He handed it over to the kid. I smiled as the kid immediately grabbed it. Staring at it in curiosity.

Din pressed a few buttons and put the ship on auto pilot before getting up. "That'll keep him distracted for a bit. Lets get some spray on that cut before it gets infected." He said quietly.

I listened to his demand and followed him back towards the bathroom. I took my usual place on the sink counter as he took off his gloves and grabbed the spray. He wiped the blood off of my arm as I let out a small wince.

"Why don't you just heal it?" He asked as he held onto my arm softly.

"Small cuts aren't worth the trouble. It exhausts me too much." I said quietly as I watched his hands move. I looked back up at him. The gaze of his helmet still focused on the cut as he grabbed the spray.

I couldn't help but think that maybe I was crazy. Falling for someone that I hadn't even truly seen. Breaking every rule I held on to just for him. All but one and at this moment I felt myself not caring anymore about showing myself to him fully. I knew I'd follow him to the worst places just as I did now.

Din turned to me as he finished patching up the wound. The visor of his helmet facing me. We sat there for a second. Just staring at each other. My heart raced as my body moved on its own. I reached for his hands and brought them up to my face. Having them sit right at the edge of my mask.

"Amara..." He called out softly. I could hear the hesitation in his voice.

I kept my hands over his. Clutching them tightly, "I don't care if I never see your face. But I want you to see me. Fully." I said softly.

He still hesitated. His chest rising and falling rapidly. The silence followed by the hidden stare made me second guess myself. Then his hands wrapped tightly around mine. His fingers gripping onto the mask softly.

"My friend if you are receiving this transmission..." Another voice trailed from the hallway. We both pulled away quickly. My heart pounding still from what was just about to happen. We sat silently, unsure if we were really hearing the voice or not.

"That means you are alive." The voice continued.

We both moved out of the bathroom quickly. Our swift steps not allowing anymore time to pass. We stood inside of the cockpit. The child reaching up on the panel. Obviously, not kept distracted by the shiny object long enough.

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