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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

They all stood silently. Cara and Greef's faces slowly scrunched into confusion. Not understanding at all what I just said.

"A what?" Greef spoke for both him and Cara.

"A Jedi who fell to the dark side." I yelled back at him. This was way too much and I didn't have time to fully explain, "Cara, I need my saber."

Cara reached back for her medpac. Digging in deep to find it. Greef just kept turning his head back and forth between us. Obviously still confused by what was going on.

"The Jedi are just legends. They all died a long time ago." He stated.

"Not all of them." Cara said quietly as she dug through the pack. Her hand moved frantically inside the bag. Then she paused, a look of fear falling on her face.

"Its not here." She spoke quietly.

"What?" I yelled back in complete disbelief.

"It must've fallen out during the shoot out." She yelled back. I began to move frantically. Running back towards the table and searching around. I felt Mando grab me quickly and pull me back behind the pillar I was hiding behind.

"We'll find it but right now you need to stay low." He demanded.

"We're dead if I don't have it." I argued back.

"This is not the time guys!" Cara yelled back. All of us were in complete panic. I think I was the worst out of everyone. Without that lightsaber we stood no chance against a Sith.

"Is there another way out?" She asked Greef. Staring out the blown out window.

"No that's it." Greef responded and pointed to the door we came into.

Mando stood by me quietly. Thinking of another plan. All of us out of ideas of what to do, "What about the sewers?" He asked.

"Sewers?" Greef asked back.

"The Mandalorian's have a covert down in the sewers. If we can get down there, they can help us escape."

We all nodded, agreeing that it was a good idea. I mean it was the last option we had. I questioned if the Mandalorian's would help us. Figuring they've been in hiding for so long.

"Checking for access points." Mando said as he pressed a button on his armor. I heard his visor begin to beep as he looked around the room. However, movement outside the building caught my eye.

I watched as troopers moved around beside the man. Placing down large objects and putting it together. I watched as a large gun was finally assembled. Both Cara and I quickly tucked ourselves back into hiding.

"They're setting up an E-Web." She said as she looked over at me.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat, "This is really bad. Tell me you found something, Mando."

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