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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

We arrived to the city within the hour. Cara stood beside me and held onto my arm as Greef held onto Mando. Giving whoever needed to see the illusion that we were caught. The pram floated behind us empty as we approached the run down archway into the city. Seeing two scout troopers casually sitting on their speeders guarding it. 

I immediately tensed as I looked passed them. Seeing specs of white suits moving around the town. There were way more then four stormtroopers in the city. It was now a city taken over by what was left of the Empire. We stopped as the scout stood up in front of us. 

"Chain code?" He asked.

"I have a gift for the boss." Greef responded as he pointed to Mando and I.

"Chain code." The scout repeated. Greef sighed as he dug into his coat. He grabbed a small card and handed it over. The scout scanned it as a few beeps passed by us. He looked up to us for a second before turning back to the card. 

"I'll give you twenty credits for the helmet." He said.

"Greef let out a small fake laugh, "Not a chance. That's going up on my wall." 

I shifted my eyes towards Greef, furrowing my brows in disbelief at the fake response. Mando turned slowly as well, tilting his helmet before turning back forward. "On your wall?" He asked softly. Sounding slightly annoyed.

"Go with it." Greef snapped back quietly so the scout wouldn't hear. 

"Go ahead." The scout responded. Handing back the card to Greef. Greef took his hold on Mando and Cara did the same to me. Leading us through the city. Our eyes scanned the area, seeing the dozens of stormtroopers walking about.

 "You said four." Cara sneered, "There are more than four troopers."

"Four guarding the client. Many more here in town." Greef answered, "Things got really heated once Mando crashed the safehouse."

"Slip him his blaster." Cara responded.

"Not yet."

 I felt like my chest was being weighed down. Seeing the amount of troopers surrounding us was enough to make me run. I turned to Mando as I took a deep breath, trying my best to keep calm. He was already staring back at me. As if trying to let me know that everything was going to be fine.

We arrived at a small abandoned cantina where four troopers were already standing inside. Guarding whoever the Client was. I took a deep breath, figuring that Greef was telling the truth. Out in the distance at a table sat an older man. His eyes fell on us and he stood up. 

I stared down at the Imperial medal sitting around his neck. Not even wanting to think how he obtained it. Greef and Cara brought Mando and I forward. The Client just shifting his eyes between the two of us. His face not even giving us the slightest hint that he was pleased.

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