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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

My hands were turning white to how tightly I was gripping the panel in front of me. The Razorcrest was in free fall as we entered the atmosphere. The lighting around us flashed red as the alarm beeped over and over again. Everything shook as I felt my stomach flip inside me. We managed to repair enough of the ship to get us out of that frozen wasteland. Though I was questioning if we did enough to get us landing safely. My nerves were taking over as Din quickly turned his head to me.

"I need your hands, Amara." Din said loudly as he tried to speak over the many different sounds blaring around us. I quickly set the child down into the seat as Din gripped tightly to the steering. Trying his best to keep the ship as steady as possible.

"The lever-"

"I know! Just get us on the ground safely." I snapped back. Feeling more nervous than ever as I gripped tightly to the lever beside him. Pulling as hard as I could to keep it from moving. I looked out the window in front of us, seeing nothing but the flames of the Razorcrest beginning to burn up. I held my breath, feeling as if I was watching our downfall.

"Razorcrest, this is Trask flight control. Please reduce your speed to port protocol." A female voice spoke into the coms.

"I'm trying my best here." Din yelled back, "Engage reverse thrusters. Brace!"

I held tightly to the lever with one hand as I reached back towards Din seat. Holding tightly for my life as this point. Outside I could begin to see a small glimpse of the town below us. Hoping to the gods that we were going to not kill anyone in the landing. Din reached up hitting a few buttons and flipping a few switches, trying his best to steady the ship as much as possible.

"Razorcrest, do you copy?" You have to reduce speed." The female spoke out again. Her voice growing with concern the closer we got to the landing dock, "Razor Crest do you copy? Razor Crest you're coming in too fast. You have to red-"

Din quickly flipped a switch, shutting off the communications. Focusing all his attention on landing the ship. The ship came in faster and faster as Din pulled on the levers in front of him. I felt the ship come to a sudden stop, steadying itself over the landing dock. It hovered for a second as Din tried to lower it down slowly, but then one of the engines blew out suddenly.

Din let out a grunt as the Razorcrest tilted to the side. Falling straight down into the water surrounding the dock. The water splashed around the windows as the ship began slowly sink down. Thankfully one of the workers on the dock was ready to pull us out with a mobile loading gantry.

When we were finally able to walk out, I turned to stare at the Razorcrest. Seeing how it looked even worse than before. Din handed some credits to the dock worker, hoping to get what he could repaired as I walked ahead with our passenger. Crowds of people passed as the frog lady turned her head back and forth looking for her husband. Another frog-like shout came from across the crowd, catching her attention. I watched as she squealed happily, running up to her husband before pulling him into a tight embrace.

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