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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

4 BBY - Yavin 4

Cassian watch from above as Amara dodge every stun headed towards her. She ducked and covered with ease, some of the stuns missing her by a mile while others missed her by inches. However, she was quick, and she used every part built within the simulation to her advantage. He was truly impressed with how advanced she was with the tests the Rebellion had given her.

"How's she doing?" He heard Luthen ask from behind him as he walked in. He took his place beside Cassian and watched Amara through the glass.

"Better than I thought. Her reflexes are unbelievably fast. She excelled in the flight training earlier today. Her close combat does need a bit of work, though." Cassian answered as he turned to him.

Luthen silently nodded his head up and down, keeping his sight fixated on Amara. Though he always held a stern face, Cassian couldn't help but notice a slight glare settling in. Cassian turned back to watch Amara as well, her movements were almost like a dance. So graceful and practiced.

"Can you show me her file?" Luthen asked coldly. Cassian was taken aback but didn't dare argue. He grabbed the datapad laying on the table beside him and handed it off. Luthen stood silently as his finger scrolled across the screen, his eyes scanning quickly back and forth across it. He paused finally for a brief second, but he didn't look away.

"The details on her family are thin. Who were they?" He asked simply.

"Just some farmers in a village on Tatooine." Cassian replied. His eyes narrowing toward Luthen. Why would her parents be important. When Luthen tasked Cassian to find Amara, there was barely any mention of her family. What was Luthen seeing that he wasn't.

There was another cold silence between the two of them before finally looked away from the datapad. "Lower the field range." He said simply.

"But that's too-"

"Just do it." Luthen cut him off. Cassian just stared for a second. No one would be able to dodge stuns from that close range. Cassian didn't dare argue more though. He reached over and pressed a few buttons on the panel in front of him. On the other side of the glass a wall closed in on Amara. She turned around slightly confused, and he could see a slight hesitation on her face. Then at once it changed to one of determination.

Luthen and Cassian watched closely as she once again excelled. Jumping from ledge to ledge. Hiding behind anything she could. He turned to Luthen as he leaned his head forward. He could see the gears beginning to turn within his mind. But what they were starting up he wasn't sure.

The simulation stopped as Cassian looked back. Amara simply stood back up from her crouched position. Rolling her neck to relieve the stiffness. Luthen brought his head back and Cassian could see a small smirk build on his face.

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