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A/N: Oh hi! I'm back kind of...I just want to thank you all for giving me the time to deal with the family stuff going on. Small amount of info, but my uncle had fallen and hit his head. He suffered a bit of brain damage. We've been working very hard as a family to help him and my aunt work through the brain surgery and getting him back home. There will be a long and difficult road ahead for the two of them, and things will not be 100% like they were before, but we're all doing our best to make sure they're both taken care of. Thank you for giving me this time to process and be with my family. Updates will be slow, but I will try to get them out as soon as I'm done with the chapters. <3 


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Blaster scatter through the air around us. Din and I quickly drew our blasters up, moving quickly to avoid their fire as they shot back. Hitting two stormtroopers as others funneled in. Din shielded me as we ran to the side of the room. Hiding behind a pillar before poking our guns back out to exchange blasts. The others hid behind the panel, doing the same. The good thing was the stormtroopers were entering in a small amount. Easy enough for us to shoot them down quickly.

The blasts finally stopped, and the room fell silent again. Din and I stood close to each other, his back facing the entrance with his arm wrapped around my shoulder for cover. Both of us waiting for the next round of troopers. The room stayed silent, and we both brought our guns down.

"I need to get the kid." Din said quickly as he broke away from me.

I nodded my head. I looked over towards Cara and the others. He wasn't going to get there fast enough if we all escaped here together. "Go back without me. I'll slow you down." I said quickly. His chest rose as he questioned a way to argue. But there was no excuse he could make, and he knew it. He nodded his head a few times before placing a hand on my cheek.

"Be careful." He said quietly before running off in the opposite direction we headed.

We turned from hallway to hallway. Retracing out steps back to the docking bay. Only running into a few blaster fires here and there. Easily taken out by the four of us. My mind was on the kid the whole time. Hoping our break-in didn't alert Moff Gideon that we were here. Hoping he wasn't somewhere close, making his move to snatch the child away. I pushed those feelings aside quickly. Knowing they weren't going to do me any good.

We arrived back at the landing bay. The area remained quiet with not stormtrooper in sight. The only ones around were just the ones Din had killed earlier. My eyes locked onto the elevator, our escape only seconds away. But then the elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. More stormtroopers sat behind the walls of the elevator. Giving them the advantage to avoid our shots as we ducked behind a few crates. Our only way out now blocked.

"We're trapped." The Mythrol proclaimed as he tried his best in the shootout. Unfortunately it was obvious he was no marksmen. Every shot he took missed by a few feet. I didn't blame him though; we were struggling as well. The stormtroopers would duck behind the wall after each shot, they took. Making it impossible to land a hit.

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