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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

My eyes opened slowly as a bright light shinned above me. I felt a coarse and rough feeling below me. Digging my hands into it and immediately recognizing the familiar feeling. It was sand. I let out a long breath, feeling like my entire body was too tired to even move. Or maybe it was simply me giving up. I couldn't tell which and instead just allowed myself to slowly sink into the ground.

"Hello, there." I heard a voice call out to me. All the energy I was losing suddenly returned. My body shot up from the ground, as small grains of sand fell around me. I didn't realize I wasn't alone. Out in front of me, sitting on a single rock within the empty desert surrounding me was a man. Someone I didn't recognize, but he just stared and gave me a soft smile. His grizzly beard covered the bottom half of his face. His eyes were soft and kind. Enough to make me want to trust him without even knowing his name.

"Do I know you?" I called out to him. His smile grew a little bigger before he let out a chuckle. He looked up towards the two suns above us before looking back at me.

"You do. Though you may not remember." He stood up from his seat. His beige and brown robes falling across his body, "So are you just going to keep laying there or are you going to join me?"

I paused for a second. Questioning if I should, and wondering where the hell I even was. The man stood there, his head tilting to the side as he waited for me to decide. I got up slowly and made my way towards him. He kept his smile as he turned for me to follow beside him.

We walked in silence for a bit. The two of us just staring out into the sandy desert. There was nothing ahead. Just the same scenery in every direction I turned. For some reason though it felt comforting. The man kept his hands in the sleeves of his robes in front of him. Waiting patiently as if I needed to be the first to talk.

"So what is this? Am I dead or something?" I finally asked, breaking the silence between us.

The man chuckled softly before stopping. His head turning to me and keeping the warm smile, "Would that be a problem if you were?"

I looked around us and took in the scenery. If this is where you went after death it would suck. I always imagined a place more green or something. A place where you could feel nothing but the Force surrounding you. Yet I found myself not caring. The answer coming quickly when he asked me.

"No. We were taught that death was a part of life. To accept it and celebrate it." I answered. Besides, if for some reason I did die just by healing Din, I wouldn't have minded. At least he was going to be okay in the end. Both him and the child.

The man nodded his head slowly. "Spoken like a true Jedi." He said, "But you're not dead. Just passed out currently."

I hummed in response as he continued to just stare out into the distance, "So then who are you?"

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