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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Luthan seemed to purposely leave an important detail out of the briefing until I boarded the plane. A syringe that I could use to knock out the high general in case things went too far. I couldn't understand what game Luthan was playing but in that moment, I knew there was more to him then he led on. Whatever ulterior motives he had for me I had yet to find out and I would have to wait later to figure it out.

Cassian had been waiting on the other side of the docking bay, leaning against the wall in the corner of the room. I caught him watching me as I discussed the final plans for the mission with Luthan. He didn't say a word and didn't approach. Instead, he watched from a distance as I boarded my plane and took off.

Three weeks away from the base was harder than I thought it would be. I didn't realize how much Yavin had become my home, and how much I'd be missing the one on Tatooine. I used it as my motivation. Made it my drive to complete this mission in its entirety. One week was made to establish myself within the club as a newcomer in the city. A rich but lonely daughter to some high-tech creator. The second week was becoming known to others within the club, letting them slowly learn who I was. Then the last week was spent making sure I caught the eye of the high general and got my hands on the holodisc.

The man was so proud of himself, so content with who he was, a simple boasting and flirting made it an in and out job. I was able to sneak him out into an alleyway beside the club, use the syringe to knock him out, and grab the holodisc.

Luthan was already waiting for me when I returned, and I completed my mission by handing in the disc. All Luthan spoke was "Good job." Before walking off down the hallway. Though his back was turned to me, I could hear the slight pleasure in his voice that I finished the mission with ease. A step forward for the Rebellion, and for that I deserved a drink.

The cantina was livelier the usual. The week ending and most of the people fighting in the Rebellion we're soon to have a short break over the weekend. The cheers as groups clanked their glasses against each other, celebrating a life not lost yet. While others sat alone in corners, mourning those that were now gone. Crowds of people filled the space within the Cantina, yet when I walked through the doors my eyes immediately locked onto one person in particular.

There Cassian was, sitting in a corner with a group of friends. Smiling away and laughing at some story Micha was telling him. I watched as he leaned back into his chair with a soft smile, and lifted his drink towards his lips as he looked forward. It was there our eyes locked, and the room suddenly became still and silent. I could only see him, and the stillness he had as his eyes widened a little bit. My guess was he was surprised I had returned so soon. Only seconds passed that felt like hours, neither of us fully acknowledging the other. Then as Micha jabbed his elbow against Cassian's arm to get his attention, our eyes parted, and the room began to move once more.

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