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I felt my body begin to stir as I awoke from my deep slumber. I felt a feeling of warmth and comfort embrace me. I thought a first it was because this was the first time I slept so well in a while. Maybe because the sun had broken through the night and its warmth shined down on me. Then when my eyes began to flutter open I saw the real reason I felt such comfort.

I was on my side, and my arm was draped across Mando's chest. Meanwhile his left arm sat under my shoulder pulling me in as his hand on the other side sat on top of mine. I stared for a second. A small smile spreading across my face. Then the realization hit.

I quickly sat up, pulling away from Mando. My eyes sat wide as all the questions coming at me all at once. How did we end up like this? Did I initiate this? Why was he allowing it? All the same questions over and over. I turned my head to the side as Cara sat in front of us with a large smile on her face. I tilted my head as I adjusted my mask to sit properly on my face. The cloth falling slightly when I was asleep.

"Don't even start." I said as I pointed a threatening finger at her.

"Who me? I would never." She joked. I knew there was more to the sentence that she refused to speak. Possibly in the form of "Never let you live this down."

Mando shifted a bit before fully waking up. He sat up slowly. His helmet tilting to the side as if he was groggy. He looked at Cara who held a large smirk across her face as I turned mine away. Feeling my cheeks begin to burn red.

"What?" He asked simply. His modulator failing to mask the raspy voice from just waking up. Neither of us said anything. My head perked up as I could see the small village approaching closer and closer. A sense of relief at the thought of being able to hide out in a hut and take off my mask. Maybe eat some food in peace.

The children from the small village all ran excitedly. "Everyone, they're here." they yelled to each other as they ran up toward the carriage. They all ran up to the child as he poked his head over the wall. Tilting his head back and forth, staring at everyone. I smiled softly watching him. This could be a good place for him.

"Well, looks like they're happy to see us." Mando said as he sat himself up fully.

"Looks like." Cara said. An apprehensive smile landing on her lips. I stood up on the carriage as I looked around the green surroundings. A lake right beside us, a few crops up ahead. Sturdy wooden huts surrounding the edge of the village. I took a deep breath, feeling a rush of guilt hit me. This place reminding me of Karmat and Kanarru.

"You alright?" I heard Mando ask. I turned my head to him. My eyes locking onto the black visor. I shook my head. Dismissing the conversation. He held his hand out as I grabbed it. Helping me off the carriage.

"Let's agree to try not to destroy this village." I said to him as I began to walk towards the huts. Mando let out a slight chuckle as he matched my strides beside me. He tilted his helmet down low so it was by my ear.

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