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~September 2040~

"dad, I'm going out with Phee" Grace shouted from the hallway to her dad who was sitting on the couch in the living room

"do you have money?" Ben asked his 16 years old daughter

"I have dad, you gave me pocket money a week ago" she laughed running back to her dad and kissing his cheek

"okay, have fun" he said and she just smiled leaving house

Being a 16 years old girl that was known as daughter of famous footballer wasn't easy for Grace.

On the first problem she came, and actually first quarrel she had with her dad three months ago when she had to choose high school she will go to.

Ben, as an overprotective father, wanted to make sure people won't argue with his daughter because she is his daughter what caused him to want to send Grace to private high school which made Grace totally mad at her father for the first time in her life.

She knew how much popularity she has on her back with just a last name Chilwell but she didn't want anyone to make differences between her and other kids whose parents wasn't famous.

She wanted to be a normal 16 years old girl and Ben totally understood that but he also knew how hard sometimes it can be when you're in the circle of non-popular who just see you as a popular and because of that they want to be friend with you and not because of who you really are. That's why Ben didn't want his daughter to get in that and make fake friends because of who she will be hard believing to other people who might be right people for her.

"hey Phee" Grace said smiling and hugging her best friend as they met in park that was between their streets

"hey G" Phoebe smiled at her best friend excited for the night that was about to start

"dad doesn't know where we are going" Grace said a little afraid of her dad and that only because of how protective he is and she didn't want to disappoint him

"we're just going to lunapark, come on" Phoebe said as they were walking towards freshly opened lunapark that was not that far away from their houses

"it's not that we will drink, smoke or something, ewww" Phoebe said disgusted at things she just mentioned

"you're right" Grace said and decided to have tonight no matter how Ben will react when he find out

Running through the horror house, jumping on the trampolines, enjoying a ride on the roller coasters and relaxing on the observing wheel, that were things Grace tried with her best friend today and had the funniest night in her life so far.

She totally distanced herself from the world, she didn't care about anything just herself and her best friend having fun around the luna park.

"okay I definitely had the best night in my life so far tonight and that's thanks to you" Grace said with a big smile on her face hugging her best friend

"I'm glad we tried this out together and had fun" Phoebe said as they decided to go back home since it was late

"oh no" Grace mumbled as she saw what time was and that she had 5 missed calls from her dad

"what's wrong?" Phoebe asked and Grace just showed her phone to her and she just mumbled one oh not knowing what to say

"he must be so worried" Grace said feeling bad that she didn't tell her parents where she is going and that she didn't answer dad's calls

"we have to hurry" she said and Phoebe nodded as they started walking quickly back home

"text me what happened" Phoebe said hugging Grace as they came to park where they met before going to lunapark

"thank you" Grace said lightly smiling at her best friend and heading home not knowing what to expect

Grace headed home unlocking doors but she was trying in vain because doors were unlocked.

She took a deep breath and took off her sneakers going to living room were Ben and Ela were waiting for her.

"h-hey" Grace mumbled as fear was getting bigger as she was approaching her parents

"good evening Grace Rose" Ben said and it made Grace's body to shake a bit because he never, until now, called her by first name and the middle one

"dad I-" she didn't know what to say but to stare down at floor ashamed in front of her parents even she didn't do anything wrong but went to lunapark

"you know what time is?" Ela asked and Grace looked at her mum nodding

"I was in freshly opened lunapark few streets down with Phoebe, we got so into it and I totally lost a track of time, I'm so sorry I didn't answer your calls dad, I didn't hear my phone it was so noisy" Grace said standing in front of her parents as tears were threaten to fall down her cheeks of how ashamed she was feeling at the moment

Tears fell down her cheeks at the moment when Ben stood up from couch hugging his daughter.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you" she whispered hugging her dad as he left kiss on the top of her head

"we were just worried, being scared if something happened to you" he said lifting his daughter's chin to wipe her cheeks

"I'm sorry" she whispered as he kissed her forehead not letting her leave any more tear

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