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~October 2040~

The day went well, actually better than I expected, just the four of us guys having day without girls.

We were in Leicester, went to see our old house from the outside since there is already some family living for 9 years.

Dad said we're gonna go to Ben's to pick up mum and Millie and I definitely didn't like the idea of that because I knew she is there.

"I don't know what they are doing but there is dark in the house" Ben said looking at windows as we got in front of their house, it was 11pm

We entered the house and there really was dark, just light light was coming from the living room along with sounds of the TV.

Ben turned on little lamp and we had what to see. Mum and Ela were laying on the couch wrapped in blankets, plate with cookies and cups was on the chair beside couch as Millie and Grace were close to each other wrapped in blankets as some movie was playing on the TV.

"seem like they had a nice day" dad said and him and Ben just smiled

"are we gonna put them in bed?" Ben asked

"risking to wake them up?" dad said questioning

"I will take Grace upstairs, Leo you can take Millie" Ben said

"I can take Grace, don't worry, take care of Ela" I said

"she's not heavy, just be careful" he said

I crouch down beside her pulling blanket off of her and taking her in my arms. I carefully stood up walking upstairs to her room.

She mumbled something gribbing onto my shoulder still asleep.

I entered her room carefully putting her down and pulling duvet over her. She cuddle up to her duvet and pillow mumbling something that I don't understand.

Soon enough as I stood up dad entered room with Millie in his arms. He laid her down beside Grace. He kissed Millie on the forehead and just when he wanted to stood up Grace started to mumble something and soon enough she started to cry.

Dad was there, beside her, trying to wake her up from the nightmare and calm her down as I was standing a little bit away from the bed looking at her not knowing how to help and I felt like an idiot.


"he turn off his phone" dad said to mum as I was playing with Kyle on the living room floor

"Kennedy too" mum said

"when will Leo and Millie come over?" I asked as mum and dad just looked at each other

"I don't know love, uncle James and auntie Kennedy are not answering our calls" dad said and smiled at me lightly

It was now late evening and Leo and Millie still didn't come over.

"it's James" dad said and I jumped onto the couch beside him

"mate, where are you? Is everything okay?" dad said on the phone as I was hoping I'm gonna hear Leo

"for what?.....you're kidding.... it's not April first James, don't joke with me" dad said and I looked at mum who was just looking at dad's surprised face expression not believing what uncle James told him

"and you didn't even said.....no" dad said quietly and I could see tears in his eyes so I just hugged him

"they left" dad said to mum after couple of moments

"how do you mean?" mum asked

"they decided to go to LA, they won't be back anytime soon" dad said and I didn't understand

"would Leo come?" I asked

"I'm sorry baby, Leo went to his grandparents and I don't when they will come back" he said

"where?" I asked

"you know how your grandparents live in Milton Keynes and we always have to drive for a long until we come to them, so it's similar with Leo but his grandparents are even more far away and they had to fly with the airplane for 10 hours" dad said

"but he will come back soon, right?" I asked

"I can't tell that" dad said and I burst into tears "no...he didn't leave....he will come back....no" I sobbed through tears

He left, my best friend left and we didn't see each other before that, noone knows when he will be back and now I'm alone, all alone.

"no...he didn't leave..... he'll come back....no" I mumbled feeling tears running down my cheeks but also someone's hand wiping them away

"Grace... it's okay.... you're dreaming" I heard someone's voice in the background of my crazy dream's sounds what finally caused me to open my eyes

First what I did was hug person in front of me and it's wasn't dad or mom, it was James, he tightly hugged me back whispering to me that everything is okay.

"do you want some water?" he asked and I shook my head

"n-no.... I'm okay....and um...thanks for this" I said trying to let those dreams away from me but I couldn't for the last 10 years.

"what happened?" he asked

"doesn't matter, it's not the first time" I said quietly as I saw Millie beside me sleeping

"is it okay if she sleeps here?" he asked and I smiled

"of course it's okay" I said and laid back down

Doors lightly opened and closed but light came into the room enough so I could see it was Leo who just left my room.

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