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~Start of December~

Since he stepped back from her a second before he kissed her she didn't see him. He ran away from her, he ran from party and least to say not even Alex heard from him for past a week. 

Grace was laying on her bed, staring at ceiling, replaying that night in her head for the hundredth time.

She was worried, noone mentioned Leo for past a week and she didn't know what was happening until this very moment.

Ben called his daughter to go downstairs and she frustrating stood up and walked to meet her dad.

"what's going on?" she asked confused as she saw worried face expression on both Ben's and James' faces

"I don't want you to panic or something but...." James started as shivers ran through Grace's body but this time not the good ones

"you and Leo were both on that party last weekend, right?" James asked and Grace nodded sitting down on the couch

"yes, what's happened?" she asked starting to think that Leo didn't even came home that night and didn't call his parents and she was right, he disappeared that night

"have you talked to Leo that night? Do you maybe know where he went after the party, with who or something? He is not answering our messages nor calls, noone of his friends know where he is and we are dying of worry, it's been a week. When he used to leave it would be two or three days and he will at least tell one person where he is but now noone knows where he is" James said and Grace froze

She didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to do but what she knew was that she shouldn't have pissed him off that much that night. He disappeared because of her and she hated the thought of something happens to him because of her. For god sake it's been a week that's not a day or two.

Grace started breathing heavily, her hands started shaking and she didn't feel good.

"are you okay?" Ben asked seeing his daughter started to panic

"I....we kind of....argue that night....but i promise it wasn't anything serious.....he tried to help me and me being hard to give up on him pissed him off" Grace said as she felt tears filling her eyes

"I don't want something happen to him because of me" she said and burst into tears

She was scared for him more than for her own life.

"hey, it's okay Grace" James said hugging her tightly

"it's not your fault, I promise he is okay, we are just worried where he is" James said trying to calm her down even he was clearly scared and worried for his son

"Grace, your phone is not stopping to ring" Kyle ran downstairs frustrated

"what's going on? Why are you crying?" he asked sitting beside his sister


"Leo escaped, he didn't came home that night and it's all my fault because I pissed him off" I said sobbing

"why is that Noah calling you for like tenth time" Kyle asked not satisfied

I took my phone and saw that it wasn't just Noah it was Alex too along with Phoebe.

There were also similar messages from each of them saying to call them as soon as I can.

"they are Leo's friends" I said and looked at James

"go get it" he said and I carefully stood up and walked into the kitchen

I didn't know who to call first but in this moment it wasn't matter if they were all calling because of Leo.

"where are you?" Alex asked the same second he answered my call

"tell me you know where he is" I said trying not to burst into tears again

"that's why we are trying to get you for last half an hour even Noah called you from LA" he said

"is he okay?" I asked as tears started falling down my cheeks

"he's fine, he is on training, Daniel called me the second he arrived" he said and I just sank down on the floor bursting into tears as my phone fell down beside me

I cried in my hands and the same second James, Kyle and dad were beside me as James took my phone.

"Alex?" James asked on the phone

"he's fine don't worry, he's on the training" I heard Alex saying and soon enough I was found back on the couch slowly calming down

He's okay, he's on training, he is alive.

I took deep breath closing my eyes for a second.


We've been at Maddison's since the moment I calmed down to wait for Leo. Least to say James was about to explode on Leo for worrying him and everyone like this.

All I want at this moment is to see him walk through this doorway, to see that he is totally okay, that he didn't get into any fight and then to pull him away, hug him and to yell at him for doing this.

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