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~November 2040~

"so miss Grace Rose, how are we on this beautiful morning of Monday?" Phoebe asked joking as we were walking through school hallway towards our lockers.

"not in a mood for anything" I said as she leaned against locker beside mine.

"This weather is the only thing I hate about London" she said and I hummed before speaking out

"tell me about it" I mumbled putting my books and things in locker

"I need some new photos" I said and she looked at doors of my locker

"yes, me too" she smiled at our photos

Both of us have our photos on the doors of our lockers since the day we came to the school.

"I have to tell girls for birthday party" she said and I nodded

"I still don't know how we gonna manage it with boys but I know Alex will do the best for everyone" she said and I smiled

They have an amazing relationship and least to say I would do anything for one.

"it's lab day today" she said happily when she saw schedule

Lab days are our favourite days and I don't think it will ever change.

"then let's not be late" I said and we took our lab coats going to the school lab


"oh damn" I mumbled and in the next second all the test tubes' glass fall from my hand on the table

"Grace" Phoebe shout and ran towards me as I held my hand that was bleeding

"fucking hell" I mumbled looking at my blood

Soon enough teacher ran over with first aid kit as we tried to stop my blood but it wasn't helping. Blood came through the gauze within a minute and that's the moment when I started panic.

What are mum and dad gonna say? I will need stitches just because of how clumsy I am.

It will be all good if it wasn't him running through my head again and I didn't realize how long I was holding test tube above fire and it broke in my hand.

Gladly I didn't had anything serious in the tube because who knows what else could happen. I could put the whole lab on fire and the whole school.


"you clumsy head" Kyle joked messing my hair when he got home

"you okay?" he asked looking at my hand that was now wrapped in bandage.

"I could put the whole school on fire if there was something serious in my tube" I said feeling guilty

"but you didn't" he said sitting beside me

"the only matter is that you are okay and that it didn't went any more serious"  he added and I just smiled lightly but thankfully at him

"how was your day at school?" I asked

"it was good, we got exam results from math" he said

"yeah? how it went?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"I got an E" he said and I looked at him in shock

"what?" I asked confused

"I'm kidding, I got an A" he laughed at me and I punched him in the shoulder

"it would be total surprise if you get under A from math" I said

He was always really good in school but the most at those mathematic subjects and it won't surprise me if he continue in that direction. Of course dad wants Kyle to get his surname back on the pitch but he said that if Kyle wants to finish college first that it is totally okay and at the end if he won't want to get into football that would be fine because he can't push him to anything but that he would be really happy if he continue. 

We all know that Kyle is into football and he does play it even beside all the amazing grades he gets in school and there is no doubt he will continue, the most when our dad's club is in case. Playing for Chelsea young squad with Chilwell on his back is big burden for Kyle and I can see that. He is working so hard for the club and to make dad proud which dad so is.

"I gotta go get ready for training" Kyle said kissed me on the cheek and went upstairs

"Grace" he shout from the top of the stairs


"I have match this weekend" he said and I smiled to myself

"no worries" I said smiling

"thanks" he shout

Did he really thought I won't go on his match? Even if I did have something planned I would cancel it in a second. There will never be doubt that family is on my first place and nothing will ever change it.

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