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~May 2041~

"Grace, come downstairs, we have a good news" dad shout from the living room and I groaned

I half closed my laptop leaving my room and going downstairs.

"what?" I asked not in a mood because I've been doing my homework since 5 and it was already 8pm and I was only half way done

"today's your lucky day" dad said smiling as I just rolled my eyes

"I'm doing homework for three hours and I'm half way done, I'm not in a mood and it's definitely not my lucky day" I said

"look at this video, it will make your day, I promise" he said giving me his phone and I resume video

"hey Chilwells, we have a surprise for you" Timo said as I just continued watching not much interested as I would be usually

"these two are packing our suitcases, guess where we are going?" he said showing Paula and Emilia as they were sitting in the middle of the living room packing their bags

"WE COMING BACK TO LONDON" Emilia shout to the camera happily

"we'll be in London tomorrow evening and we can't wait to see you all, especially Grace and Kyle" Paula said with the smile on her face and I finally smiled

They weren't here for more than 3 years now and I really can't wait to see them again, especially Emilia who grow up a lot and she's so freaking beautiful.

"it's not a first April" I said looking at mum and dad

"it's not, it's for real" mum said as I gave phone back to dad

"I called Timo right after I saw the video and he said they're coming because of some duty, he didn't want to say what but they're gonna stay here for the weekend" dad said

"here? At ours?" I asked

"yeah" he said

"means I have to make my room up for Emilia?" I asked

"it would be nice of you" mum said

"but I can't today, I'm too tired, I still have a lot to do for tomorrow and I saw Leo is spamming me but I can't answer him because I won't do anything" I said and dad just laughed lightly

"what do you have to do yet?" mum asked

"finish my essay and draw something for biology" I said

"do you want me to help you?" she asked

"if you want to, it would be much easier" I said and she smiled

"let's go" she said and I exhaled going upstairs

"you just have to put those over this, this and this" I said showing her three pictures

"and just draw it over" I said showing her few lines

"and then I'm gonna put them in my notebook" I said looking at her

"don't worry, you will get everything done on the time" she said kissing my forehead

"thank you" I said and took my laptop

I sat on the bed giving her space on the desk.

I took a quick look at my phone and Leo was definitely going crazy because he sent me over 20 messages.

I didn't read them but I just took a video of my laptop and then mum as she was drawing.

*sent a video*
Gonna read messages later
I'm sending you this so you know how much I'm struggling with my homework
Mum got to help me with biology while I'm finishing my essay
I started at 5pm and look what hour is now

I put my phone on the night stand reading my last sentence of essay so I can continue.

I took a deep breath and started writing again.Words were filling the page, it was going easily since I know mum is helping me and that this is the last thing I have to do for tomorrow.

Few minutes later mum came closer to me kissing the top of my head and she left me alone.

I decided to finish this and then to put those pictures in my notebook.

I looked at word count and smiled at myself, more than I thought.

I saved the essay and went to my desk.

I looked for pictures but I didn't saw them, I opened book and they weren't there. I opened my notebook seeing mum already put them on its place.

I smiled putting my books in my bag and preparing my laptop for tomorrow.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and to do my night routine.

I let water running as my muscles relaxed underneath it. I closed my eyes just standing there underneath the waterfall for couple of minutes.

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