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~LATE JUNE, 2041~

It wasn't the best week even we were on holidays but I couldn't watch her over my best friends and them acting like I wasn't there. I don't know if it was her plan and she was doing it on purpose but she was getting on my nerves with that behaviour.

Couple of times I wanted to pull her aside, away from everyone and just yell at her to stop doing this, to stop playing with me, my feelings and my love but I couldn't.

I was stubborn and I didn't want to make a move to see how long she will stand still but now when I'm watching her walking towards Phoebe and Paige more beautiful than ever before I couldn't let it go any further.

I need to have her on eye, not letting her go far away from me.

Some of Alex's teammates were the whole week around us and as it was our last day here so they made up the night together and now I have to take care of 5 more guys.

They all know she is taken and that I'm there but they just clearly don't care because one of them is not stopping getting closer to her.

When his arm slipped around her waist I had to react. I rush towards them pushing his arm away and pulling him closer by shirt.

"who the hell gave you a right to touch my girlfriend?" I asked madly getting into his face and Alex and Noah immediately ran around pulling me away from him but I didn't let go

"she's mine, okay?" I asked raising my voice even more

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER, NOONE OF YOU BECAUSE I WON'T ASK NEXT TIME" I shout to everyone and got away from him and Alex and Noah who were just looking at me madly

"you fucked it up" Noah said shaking his head and I saw her running away with Phoebe and Paige

I ran after them pulling her by wrist but Phoebe pushed me away and I know I really fucked it up this time.

"just don't" she said and they walked away

"fuck it" I said hitting the wall of yacht and leaning my forehead against it hitting it with my hand

"stop Leo" Alex pulled me away pushing me against wall and pulling me for shirt

"you're fucked up, I never seen you this way, but for god sake you have to come back to your sense, you're hurting her" he said raising his voice at me

"why's everyone on her side?" I shout

"why noone see that I'm hurt too? Is it so wrong for guy to be hurt? Is that why you don't see it? I also have feelings, I love her for god sake, why noone believe me?" I shout pushing him away and walking away to my room slamming doors

"fuck it all, fuck all those feelings and the moment I let myself catch any for her" I said pulling everything from bed and throwing it on the floor

"fuck the day I got back here" I shout throwing glass in doors

"I was so good that fucked up, messing around and not caring about anything but no, I let her change me, I let myself catch those stupid feelings that I don't know who came up with" I said falling down on the floor

"why are you doing this to me? Just why? Am I not doing enough? I'm not good enough? I'm not showing on the right way how much you mean to me? But this is what you teach me, you teach me this way and I don't know differently" I said to myself

She made this of me and it's still not enough, it's not enough that I changed all my habits for her, that I told her my disgusting past and what I went through all on my own.

Noone understand that I gave my best and that I don't know what else to do. That this is not only my fault but hers too, but now, she a woman and she is always right, everyone believe her, everyone are on her side because she is hurt but why? Because I stepped in trying to protect her?

This is all fucked up.

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