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"welcome to my home" Leo said opening doors of his apartment for me as I was holding my chocolate and bouquet of roses

"such a gentleman" I said smiling as he locked doors behind us

I stood in the living room looking around liking every bit of his apartment.

He took bouquet and chocolate from my hands putting it on coffee table as he stood in front of me.

He put one hand on my hip and the other one on my cheek putting the lock of hair behind my ear. He so loves to do it.

"I have to tell mum and dad" I said

"you don't, they're not home and I asked Ben for blessing anyway so, don't worry" he said and I looked at him confused

"you asked my dad for what?" I asked and he just smiled

"for blessing, since you said yes to be my Valentine that means you're all mine now" he said

"and I shared enough for today" he said throwing my phone on the couch

I put my arms around his torso getting even closer to him.

"what did you share?" I asked looking up at him as he was looking down at me

"you, with all those people at your school" he said

"you don't like to share, do you?" I asked smiling

"no" he said pulling me even closer to himself if that was possible

"and what we gonna do?" I asked

"nothing" he said

"stay like we are, staring at each other" he said

"because I so love it, your eyes on mine as I hold you close" he said as I just bite my lip smiling

"you didn't do something" I said and he looked at me confused

"what?" he asked

"we didn't kiss today" I said and he just smiled

"because I'm not rushing, we have the whole weekend for kissing" he said leaning his forehead against mine

"the whole weekend?" I asked

"the whole weekend, yours are in Venice for the weekend and Kyle is with mine, even mine are going for dinner tonight but they are old enough to be alone for couple of hours" he said

"you're mine now and I don't want to lose it" he said

"you won't" I said "I'm here and I won't go, I'm all yours" I added wrapping my arms tighter around his torso

"I like the sound of it" he said

"I like you" I said

"I thought you loved me not liked me" he said and I just smiled even more

"I'm all into you" I said

"I want to show you something" he said interweaving his fingers with mine

He walked us towards his room. He opened doors and first what caught my eyes was one of the walls full of our photos from when we were younger and it made a huge heart.

"you see those spaces?" he asked and I nodded looking from photo to photo

"that's my heart and we have to fill those spaces, with our new photos" he said and I looked at him

I put my hand on his cheek rubbing my thumb over it.

"we gonna do it as soon as possible" I said and leaned in to kiss him

"I love you" I whispered as he leaned his forehead against mine

"I love you more" he said and I just smiled hugging him


We were laying on the couch watching The Notebook. His arm wrapped around me as I was laying on the top of him. My head on his chest and legs in between his.

I started feeling sleepy and my eyes closed soon enough.


She fell asleep on the top of me, I didn't have a heart to wake her up so I just turned TV off pulling blanket over us and holding her close to myself. I kissed the top of her head stroking her hair.


I woke up by the sunlight coming through the curtains that I didn't closed yesterday.

Grace was by now laying beside me, her leg over mine, her arm over my chest laying on my cheek and her head on my shoulder.

I carefully put her hand away along with her leg so I could stood up.

I put blanket over her kissing her forehead and going to bathroom.

I put my hands on sink, leaning against them and looking at myself in the mirror not believing how much I've changed in last 3 months since I told her the truth.

She changed me and that's what I'm gonna be always grateful for to her, for changing me, teaching me how to love and treat someone right.

I'm feeling like a whole new person and that's all thanks to her, because she didn't give up on me, because she didn't leave me after I told her the truth but she stayed helping me to get myself back.

I smiled at myself and went to take a shower.

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