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~A month later, late April 2041~

"Grace, did you buy those heels and dress for wedding?" mum asked and I couldn't believe in all this problems I forgot that my auntie Daisy is getting married and it's this weekend.

"oh, shit... I totally forget" I said looking at her worrying

"Grace, we said we're going to be with her from Wednesday evening" she said

"I know mum, I know" I said

"can we go buy them now?" I asked worrying that they're maybe already sold and then I'm gonna be in a big trouble

"I told you I'm going to get my hair done today at 5 and it's almost half 5" I started panic

"and dad?" I asked walking left to right through the living room

"he has training at 6" she said

Even dad is not playing anymore but he is now the head coach for Chelsea U19 team.

I didn't know what to do, I couldn't go to the shopping centre alone because when I will be heading home it will be already dark and I definitely don't like to walk by myself at the night.

"I know" I said jumping

I took my phone calling Leo.

"hey" I said as he picked up

"hey, do you miss me already?" he asked and I smiled biting my lip turning away from mum

"I need a favour" I said ignoring his joke

"okay, I'm listening" he said

"do you have a training today or you can get, I don't know, an hour for me?" I asked and I could hear him laughing

"Grace, you left this morning and we went to coffee after your school" he said and I felt my cheeks turning red on the reminder of this weekend


I ran through his apartment laughing as he was trying to catch me. Soon enough he ran towards me crushing us both on the couch as I couldn't stop laughing.

He put my legs around his torso squeezing to me as he was kissing me. He kissed my neck longer than usual and I could guess what was happening.

"all mine" he said looking at me before he pulled his t-shirt off of me

I was just staring at him as he was pulling my tracksuit bottoms down my legs and did the same with his t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms.

I wanted to change our positions so bad, I wanted to be on the top, to kiss body as he do to me, to get his reaction but he wasn't letting me. Or I just thought he wasn't letting me.

He laid on his back beside me and I got confused when he pulled me on the top of him.


"don't say anything.... I'm in your hands, you're supposed to do whatever you want, whatever you're comfortable with" he said

I was sitting on his lap as I slowly run my hands across his body. He was freezing more and more as I was touching his body lower and lower.

He squeezed his eyes breathing heavily as I leaned closer to his neck.

"I love you" I whispered to his ear before I kissed his neck doing the same as he did to me, I left light hickey on his neck

I kissed down his body, from his neck to chest all the way down to his stomach, giving attention to every perfect shaped ab on his body.

I looked up at his face cupping his face and leaning my forehead against his.

He had his eyes closed until I kissed the top of his nose and his forehead.

"what should I do?" I asked not knowing how far he's ready to go and what exactly I have to do

"whatever you want" he said quietly looking at me

"you know I don't know about this" I said feeling bad that I can't give him what he want

"just relax okay? Don't worry about anything and just let the situation lead you" he said just like he got all comfortable at the moment even I was still sitting on his lap

He sat up putting his hands on my hips and pulling me closer to himself so our lips met.

I wrapped my arms around his neck holding him close as we were kissing. The moment hit me and I got totally lost in his arms not believing what side of me is coming out.

I couldn't stop moving as we were kissing and I finally got his reaction. I needed it to be sure that I'm doing right thing.

He mumbled something against my lips putting his hand on my butt holding me close just like he was scared I'm gonna leave him.

Now each second, each move lead us further and I didn't want to stop myself, I didn't want to stop him and I wanted him to finally get over everything.

I started feeling nervous as shivers were running up and down my spine as his hands were travelling across my back.

He unclip my bra letting it fall down my body and he put it down on the floor. He flipped us over not letting go of my lips.

He kissed my neck and continued leaving kisses down my body until he get to my panties.

"GRACE" I heard him shouting on the phone and I jumped for a bit

"You can't think about that" he said and got back to reality

That was such a great Saturday evening, he let go of everything, he let me do things that he hated until that moment, he let me touch him, be on the top almost the whole night and he finally get ride off her, I hope so.

"what?" I asked

"don't tell me what? you know what I mean, you know what you was thinking about and you can not do that" he said

"do you have time for me?" I asked

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