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"what the hell are you doing here" he pulled me by wrist to room where Phoebe had party pinning me against the wall

"haven't I told you not to come?" he asked clearly mad, but I didn't care

"who are you to me for me to listen to you?" I asked getting into his face

"you think Ben and Ela would be happy to see you like this? Dressed like a slut letting guys into your pants?" he asked and next what I know is him holding his cheek as I slapped him

"how dare you call me that?" I yelled at him pushing him away from me and punching him in the chest

"you just slap me!" he shouted pushing me back against wall but this time my back hurt how hard he pushed me against it

"You called me a slut!" I shouted back at him punching his chest but he took both my hands in his

It past couple of moments of us just staring at each other and being mad at each other.

"this is not you Grace, you don't dress like this, you don't go on parties like this" he said a little bit calmer

"I can't look at you like this, as guys are trying to get you, to take you somewhere to be alone with you, they are eating you with eyes, you don't see it but I saw it. They are drunk and you looking like this just made them think you are one of those girls that will give them anything they want and I know you are not like that, that's why I took you away, I got carried away and I said what I shouldn't have and I'm sorry because of that, I just... I'm sorry" he said stepping back from me

"I can't let something happen to you while your parents know I'm around and think I'm gonna take care of you" he said and it just pissed me off even more

"I don't need anyone to take care of me! Not you!" I shout at him and I saw his chest rising and falling faster than earlier, he is getting really mad and I don't like an idea of that

I should step back, listen to him and do what he say because I now know he still care.

"would you listen to me once?" he said getting closer to me and I nodded

"you care" I said quietly and he raised his eyebrow

"what?" he asked laughing

"you still care about me" I said looking at his eyes as he just laughed at me

"you wish" he said

"I'm doing it because your parents believe me, it doesn't have anything to do with me caring for you, because I don't" he said

"that's why you were staring at me whenever we were around? Even my parents where around? That's why you get jealous?" I asked

"staring? At you?" he laughed once again

"you wish Grace, you wish" he said

"I have nothing to be jealous of, it's your life to do with it what you want and I have nothing to do with it and believe me, I hate that I own this to Ben" he said and I looked at him confused

"what you own to my dad?" I asked

"he's my godfather if you forget, he was always there when I needed something while we were here and at least I own him to make sure you get in one piece home" he said

"and you don't care" now it was my time to laugh

"how many times I have to say that I don't?" he asked pinning my hands above my head as he clenched his teeth

"million, because I still remember the day when Oscar died" I said sadly remembering that day

"I was eight, it past eleven years of that" he said squeezing my hand that hard that my right started hurting, it past 2 weeks of my stitches

"Leo.... you're hurting me" I said trying to take my hand off of his

"my hand" I said as he looked at me confused "I've got stitches two weeks ago" I added and he immediately get off of me

"I'm sorry" he said

"what happened?" he asked taking my hand in his and looking at my stitches

I just smiled to myself, fighting myself not to ask him once again if he really doesn't care.

"some guy that is saying that he doesn't care about me came to my mind when I was having my test tube above fire and I forgot about and it break in my hand cutting me" I said looking at his face as he was looking at my hand but soon enough he looked back at me

"you're doing this on purpose" he said closing gab between us by pressing his body against mine and I got nervous

"even if I wanted I won't get stitches on purpose" I said and he lifted my chin up so our eyes were in line as he was looking down at me


They stare at each other, his fingers holding her chin, his hand on the wall circled her head, his body against hers as she was pinned against the wall.

Shivers were running down her spine as she was looking at his eyes as he was leaning closer to her face.

He knew he can't do this, he knew he can't do this to her and himself either.

Deep in his heart he wanted to kiss her, do bad things with her after she pissed him off but he knew he can't. That he can't hurt her on that way because she is not a girl for one night and at the end, she was his first real friend until 10 years ago, he loved her more than anything.

If nothing else he couldn't disappoint his own and her parents, they all trust him and it would be total catastrophe if he hurt her on this way.

And that's why he stepped back from her just a second before his lips touch hers.

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