
189 3 8

~December 2040~

After that kiss I spent another hour in the hotel room with him and then I left. He didn't said anything, he didn't try to stop me or he did, depends on how you take it.

I was about to leave when he pushed doors closed pinning me against them and kissing me one last time. He didn't say anything he even opened doors for me to leave.

When I got home I got questions what happened between us but all I said was that I went with to make sure he will be okay not doing some nonsense. I don't think that they believed me and I hate to lie to them but I promised him I won't tell anyone.

It past another week that I didn't see him but I know he is okay. Alex saw him three days of the week and he was okay. He probably slept with another few girls and even it shouldn't make me sad it does, because I don't know what is the reason for that.

"Grace" I heard someone calling my name

I looked up from my notebook getting back to reality.

"I'm sorry" I said looking at my teacher

"please pay attention, it's important" she said and I nodded

Phoebe hit my shoulder playfully and I looked at her.

"are you okay?" she mumbled and I nodded looking back at the panel

I tried to pay attention but all I could think about was his lips on mine, him telling me his dark secret, admitting that he actually care about me.

Even he told me hundred of times that I can't fall for him I am, I'm falling for my best friend from childhood, I'm falling for a member of my family. It have to stay my little secret, noone can't know about that, not even Phoebe, mum or dad.

He is not aware what he did to me and I even he took my first kiss on that way I can't lie, I enjoyed it and I would do anything just to kiss him again even I'm gonna left brokenhearted.

"do you know Leo Maddison?" I heard someone asking and I turned around quickly just to see Lucy and Carla looking at their phones

"I met him on the party on Sunday, he is so damn attractive" Lucy said and I just rolled my eyes

"we spent night together at hotel room" she said quietly and I sat there frozen

I knew he was doing that, he admitted it to me that very day, he kissed me that day and few hours later he slept with girl from my class.

I should have tell him not to do this with girls from my school because I'm not gonna be able to listen to all the rumours, with who all he slept, not because I know that is not him, that something is hidden behind that mask of bad boy Leo, that something must have hurt him enough hard to make this of him and I hate the thought of that, that he went through it all alone, that noone knows what happened to him.

"Grace" Lucy called me

"have you slept with him? he follow you for god sake" she said turning her phone to me so I could see she was stalking his following list

"I know him since we were younger" I said

"can you give me his phone number, please" she begged and I just rolled my eyes

"that was the first and the last night you saw him, don't get hope, he come and go" I said and turned around

I shouldn't have say anything but I can't listen to her, listen to her bothering me about him.


"Maddison's are coming for dinner for an hour" dad said and I looked at him confused

"what? I told you three days ago that they are coming" he said and then I remembered

He told me but I wasn't fully listening because he didn't leave my mind since Sunday when I left that hotel room.

"you still didn't tell me what happened that night, you're totally lost since then" dad said and I just exhaled

"don't bother me about that, I told you I wanted to make sure he don't do anything stupid, I know he won't put me in danger that's why I went after him" I said lying once again to my dad

"you know I don't believe in that story, something happened between you and you don't want to tell me" he said and I burst

"okay" I raised my voice

"we kissed, but I swear that's everything"  I said calmly

"it shouldn't have happened and we said we gonna forget that not telling anyone because we are family but here you go, you didn't give up and then I ask myself why I don't give up easily, because I'm whole daddy's girl" I said and he smiled lightly

"you're my girl and nothing will change that, I will always care about you and I want you to trust me, to tell me everything no matter what it is" he said cupping my face

"okay?" he asked and I nodded

"I'm sorry for raising my voice" I said and he smiled

"forget it, I didn't even heard it" he said and I smiled

"let's get barbeque ready" he said and I shook my head

"nope, that's yours and Kyle's job, bye-bye" I said and ran inside to help mum with salad

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