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I sat on the edge of the bed taking my heels of when I saw my phone beside me. I took him to check if Leo answered and he did more than just answered. I had three missed calls and 7 unopened messages.

I smiled at myself opening messages.

Went to run and to the pitch for some training after I left you home
Took 5 minutes off to get some water
Checked my phone and I find this
You damn know what you're doing
I told you that you look amazing in that
You really love to tease me this way?
Three missed calls
And of course you're not answering my calls now
Received 8:18pm

Had to check with my parents if dress is okay for the wedding
Seen 8:20pm

I stared at my phone laying down on my bed still in my dress and soon enough his name covered my screen.

I smiled and answered the video call.

"and what they said?" was the first he asked

"dad was glad I'm not going in tracksuit" I said trying to smile

"I have to disagree with that, if there is going to be guys than I wish you can go in tracksuit" he said and I bite my lip smiling

"why are you smiling? I'm serious" he said

"who said I'm smiling?" I asked trying to be serious

"and you're still in that dress" he said and I just moved my camera so my dress was more seen

"this one?" I asked

"Grace stop" he groaned and I just smiled even more

"I'm not doing anything" I said

"don't make me come to yours right now" he said and I bite my lip

"what if I want you to?" I asked

"no, your parents are there" he said

"I can come to yours" I said

"no Grace, you have school tomorrow" he said

"okay" I said and put my phone down on the bed standing up

"what are you doing?" he asked as he just could see my ceiling as I was taking my dress off

"you wish you know" I said

"I'm gonna block you" he said

"why?" I asked pooping my head to the camera

"because you're not fair" he said

"I'm just giving you back for earlier" I said and took his t-shirt from my wardrobe putting it on myself

"okay, fair enough, but stop" he said

I took my phone and went to the bathroom.

I leaned phone on the mirror so it was standing and he could see me wearing his t-shirt.

"and now you're wearing my t-shirt" he said and I looked at the camera seeing him rolling his eyes

I leaned against sink so I was in the line with camera looking at him.

"you didn't like me in dress and now you don't like me in your t-shirt" I said

"I said that I didn't like you in that dress?" he asked frowning

"you didn't like that I was in that dress" I said

"yeah, because you look so damn good in it" he said

"but I'm at home" I said

"that's why I'm not worrying too much" he said


"but I said that because you know what you're doing to me" he said

"I have no idea" I said looking myself in the mirror for a second and then taking my toothbrush

"okay I think I'm gonna let you finish and go to sleep because you're too hyped up today and I can't with that you through the phone" he said and I looked at him

"would you go on the wedding with me? I need to tell auntie on Wednesday when we are going to Liverpool" I said looking at him

"what?" he asked frowning

"you're going to Liverpool on Wednesday?" he asked

"yes, mum, me and some auntie's friends are helping her finish everything up for Saturday" I said

"when you planned to tell me that you will spend literally the whole week in Liverpool?" he asked

"I told you now" I said

"I thought we gonna spend some time together this week" he said

"and we are" I said

"do you have match this weekend?" I asked

"on Friday" he said

"and you won't be able to make it, right?" I asked

"I don't know" he said "I don't know if I'm gonna be in the squad since it's been a month of my injury, he probably won't risk it" he added

"so I'm gonna be in Liverpool on Saturday, I'm gonna ask for this weekend off yet because I really don't want to risk surgery or something because I'm rushing" he said and I smiled lightly

"I'm glad you finally started thinking about those things" I said and he smiled

"I have a good teacher" he said and I smiled even more

"now I'll really need to get shower because I'm sweating and you have to get enough sleep for school and exam tomorrow" he said

"okay, I'll see you tomorrow" I said

"we will see" he said and I frowned

"what do you mean?" I asked

"Maybe you didn't deserve to see me after what you did to me today" he said

"I didn't deserve? You're still the one that teased me first, you're still the one who paid for my dress and heels while you shouldn't have" I said looking at him and raising my eyebrow

"no arguing" he said

"get that pretty ass ready to sleep and we will talk tomorrow" he said

"I want to see you before I'm going to Liverpool" I said

"you will see me, my love" he said and I couldn't help but grin

"I love you" I said

"I love you more" he said and I leaned to the camera as I was giving him the kiss before I hang up

I did my night routine and went to the bed. I put my phone on the night stand making sure my alarm is set on and I turned off the little light.

I pulled duvet over myself and closed my eyes with a smile on my face.

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