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~February 2041~

We ran around empty beach as sun was setting. I couldn't take a smile of my face.

"you can't run away from me" Leo said smiling wrapping his arms around my waist spinning me around as I just laughed

He put me down on my feet holding me close to himself as I wrapped my arms around his neck not taking a smile of my face and so do him.

"let's go back to the house" he said quietly

"okay" I said quietly and he pecked my lips interweaving his fingers with mine and leading us back to the house

The house in Los Angeles where they used to leave for 10 years. Leo took a week off of trainings and matches to take me to Los Angeles for the first time for my 17th birthday.

It feels weird that I'm turning 17 this week and that he is going to be 20 but the most of the time we don't really feel the difference.

As soon as we entered the house he pinned me against the wall kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer.

"Grace" he breath out

"yes" I said licking my lips

"I need you to fully trust me" he said and I got confused for a bit

"I do fully trust you" I said as his grib tighter on my hip

He took me by hand walking towards his room.

He pulled his t-shirt off of him putting it on the chair as he got closer to me.

I was guessing what was happening and even I was worrying I knew it was just because I was nervous and excited.

I trust him and I know he won't hurt me and this is going to help our relationship, our trust to each other, our bond and I wasn't scared.

"we have to communicate, you have to tell me what you like and what not, what you want and you don't want. I know you still can't know it but I need you to say no or stop whenever you feel need to or you want to" he said cupping my face

"I need you to promise me, before we do something, that you will say these two words if there will be a need" he said as I bite my lip nervously

"I promise" I said knowing there won't be a need for it but I need him to be relaxed even it's going to be harder for him than me, no matter it's my first time

"are you ready and sure you want to do it? I don't want you to feel pressure because of me, it have to be your need too, in different we're not doing it, I can't push you to anything, because you know I'll wait for you as long you need" he said as I put my hand on his biceps

"I want it Leo, I was never more sure in anything, I told you I'm all yours" I said and he pulled me into kiss, gentle one

He walked me backwards, holding me close to himself not taking his lips of mine. His arms tighter around my waist as he carefully laid us down.

My back against soft matters of bed as his body was against mine, his lips still against mine.

I was nervous because I didn't know what to do about this and I wanted it all with him.

My heart was beating faster than ever before and I had a feeling it's going to jump out of my chest.

His lips left mine and when he looked at my eyes with some sparkle I was scared I'm gonna break in pieces. This means a lot to him and so do to me.

"I'm in love with you GR" he whispered softly

"I love you" I said


I kneel in front of her slowly taking her t-shirt off, not taking my eyes from hers.

Just a few seconds after I took her t-shirt off her hands hide her upper body and I frowned.

"what's wrong?" I asked and she didn't say anything

"Grace, for this to work we have to communicate and you have to tell me if you don't want to or if you wanna stop" I said stroking her cheek and pecking her lips

She didn't say anything but just grib on tracksuits on her right thigh. I looked confused but decided to make a move.

I slowly pulled her tracksuit down her legs. As soon as my eyes met her thigh I realized what is happening.

"no way.....you didn't" I said not believing that she's insecure about her body just because of few stretch marks

"Grace" I said putting my hand on her thigh and looking at her

"I love you because of who you are and I don't want you to change, which means I love everything about you even the things that you don't, even I don't see a reason for that" I ran my fingers across her thigh and I could feel the shivers running through her body

"imperfects are making us perfect, what would the world looks like if we are all the same? If we're perfect? because we are not and that makes us unique and special. And you're definitely special to me the way that you are" I said leaning in to kiss her

I need her to love herself before me and I hate the fact she says that she loves me while she doesn't love herself.

She's helping me through all my shit while she is clearly struggling with self love and I can't let that happen.

She can't be helping me while she also need help and I have to be the one to help her, to make her feel loved, to make her feel special because she is, she's loved by many people and I'm glad that I can say that she's also loved by me and that she is special to me.

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