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When I heard the whole class clapping I got back to the reality, smiling proudly at myself.

Never thought I would ever write something like this, but it was all him and I wish he could be here, hearing my thoughts.

"thank you Grace, that was really nice, you may take a seat" teacher said and I smiled sitting back at my place beside Phoebe who was typing something on the phone

I didn't want to believe she wasn't listening what I wrote but it wasn't matter, I don't need opinions because it's my thing, my opinion, my definition and my vision that noone will ever change it and noone's opinion will ever change my own mind.

I paid attention back to the front, on the teacher and what she was saying while in my mind was only him.

Few minutes later my phone vibrated but I ignored it. I looked at the clock that was showing 5 minutes to the end of the class.


"Grace" I heard Phoebe behind me as I was walking through the hallway towards my locker

"hey, are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" she asked pulling me by wrist

"I'm just tired of everything, Phoebe" I said leaning against my locker

"I haven't seen him properly this week, the Werners are coming back today and I should be hyped, happy to see them after three years but I cannot, this week exhausted me and I just need at least a week off, away from everyone and everything" I said closing my eyes

She hugged me and I wanted to cry, to let all of this stress from me but I couldn't. I need him beside me, I need to feel his arms around me and just lay down cuddled up with him in silence.

My phone vibrated once again and I groaned taking my phone from my back pocket.

Damn it Grace
Are you serious?
That's the essay you were writing yesterday?
Believe me or not, you girl made me cry
*sent a photo*

I smiled and looked up at Phoebe who just smiled proudly at me leaving me alone weaving her hand and I couldn't help but laugh.

She was paying attention, she was filming it for Leo and she sent him my whole essay.

I wish you could be here, hearing it in person but I'm glad she filmed it for you.
Thank you for inspiration xx.

I wish I can hug you right now telling you how much I love you
I'm lying
I would never be able to tell you how much I love you
There is no words and no way to tell/show it on the right way and I hate it

Stop Leo🥺

When you have to be at home?

I think right away because the Werners are coming around this evening and I still didn't make up my room for Emilia

Get it
Would you ask your parents for at least an hour tomorrow morning or Sunday morning so we can go for coffee?

If nothing I will sneak out early in the morning to see you ;)

Would you?

Of course I will
Gotta go now but I will text you soon xx

Okie xx
I love you xoxo

I love you moreeeee xoxo

I put my phone in my back pocket taking my lab coat and leaving to the lab for an hour of practice. Not a usual full day at lab but at Friday we have just an hour of practice which we are obviously doing in our lab.


After I finally made up my room I walked downstairs sitting on the couch as dad was doing something in the backyard as mum was in the kitchen and Kyle clearly still at school that worried me because he is not usually in school this long at Friday.

"mum, where's Kyle that long?" I asked looking at her

"Millie is struggling with math so Kennedy asked if he can help her and since the Werners are gonna be her for a weekend he could only go today because she has a exam on Tuesday" she said and I nodded

I took my phone and sent a message to Leo.

Our siblings have better love life than us

what are you talking about?
Millie is not with Kyle, is she?
She's too young for a boyfriend!

All I know is that Kyle is tutoring her this evening and I still have to be at home which is not fair

Millie is 13 for god sake!!!

I don't know what you thought but it's MATH TUTORING!!!!

It's better be

I think you're missing something since you act like this

But yeah, I'm missing YOU
Sneak out, Grace
Pretty please 🥺

Dad already told me I have to be at home, Kyle went to yours today because Millie has an exam on Tuesday

I guess I will have better luck next time

"Grace, can you come here for a sec?" dad called from the doorway and I groaned standing up

Gotta go, text you later x.

"yes? What's up?" I asked

"can you go down to the cellar and get those lights that used to be here?" he asked pointing to the wall behind the fireplace and couch as he was making up our two swing chairs

"be back in a few" I said and went to find those lights

I needed few minutes because I god damn forgot what lights that were but I found the ones.

I went back up to dad helping him put the lights on.

"dad, can I ask you something?" I asked sitting in swing chair testing if he made it up good

"it's good right?" he asked looking at the swing chair

"yep" I said

"what's the matter sweetie?" he asked sitting on the couch in front of me

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