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~November 2040~

"and then Kyle pushed Grace's face in cake and she was mad for the rest of the day" dad said and everyone laughed

It was my 8th birthday and Kyle was 5, mum and dad made me little birthday party at home with grandparents and aunties. I was wishing my birthday wish when Kyle came behind me pushing my face in cake. It should have be a good day but it ended with me being mad at Kyle for the rest of the day and couple of days later.

We were sitting in living room, me and Millie on one side of couch, Kyle and Leo on the other as our parents were in between us.

My eyes met Leo's couple of times and it was me every time who looked away first.

"okay kiddos let's go to the bed" dad said thinking about Kyle and Millie since it was almost 11pm but I was also sleepy so I went to my guest room along with them going to their rooms

I laid down on bed looking at ceiling getting lost my thoughts when I heard light knock on doors.

"yes" I said and mum came in

"you okay?" mum asked sitting on the edge of bed

"yes, why won't I be?" I asked lightly smiling

"I know it's hard for you being here after ten years but you have to talk, you're now teenagers not little kids, we're family....I know you will need time but I'm sure you will get along again" she said and it was true

I know we will need time to get along and that we have totally different interests but after all we are family, we have past.

"I'll leave you to sleep now, but think about it" mum said kissing the top of my head

"good night" she said smiling at me

"good night" I smiled at her and she left me to rest


The next morning after I did my morning routine I went downstairs where Kennedy, James, mum, dad, Kyle and Millie already were, only Leo was missing.

"morning" I said sitting beside dad around dinning table

"morning" they said one after other

"what do you say about spending Christmas holidays together, Grace?" James asked and I looked at him

They clearly see that this all affects on me and that's why they are asking me such a things.

"however you want" I said just when Leo entered kitchen

"what do you say, Leo?" James asked as Leo looked at him confused

"I just came down, so good morning" Leo said coldly what definitely surprised James

"morning, we talked about spending Christmas holidays together" James said not much satisfied with his son's behaviour

"however you want" he said and our eyes met for the first time after hundreds of times yesterday

He sat down beside Kyle and Kyle immediately started telling him how good he was yesterday at pitch as his eyes were locked with mine, dads were talking their things, mums were putting breakfast on the table and Millie was in her world.

I looked away from him giving my attention to Millie until we started eating even the whole time I could feel Leo's gaze on me and it wasn't comfortable but I couldn't do anything against it.

As we finished with breakfast I went to room to text Phoebe that I'm staying in Leicester and that I'm coming back to London tomorrow evening.

I went back to everyone as they were sitting in living room chatting about everything that have happened past ten years since we weren't together.

This time it was me who was staring back at Leo. Our eyes were like two connected things with unseen chain as we were sitting on opposite sides of couch. He was talking with Kyle about nothing less than football but kept looking at me. I was talking to Millie, to be more precise, she was talking about life in Los Angeles as I was just listening staring at her brother.

I couldn't stop thinking about things I wasn't supposed to. Does he has a girlfriend? How are they getting along now when he is here? Did he even want to hang out with me since now we are both older? What if he is looking at me just to provocate me so I would get even more mad wanting to leave? What if he is one of those bad boys in the school? What if he doesn't want to talk to me just like he said a month ago

All mixed questions were running through my head making me worry and I didn't know what to do, he was the only one who could answer all these questions but how am I supposed to ask him?

I was always too shy to talk to guys that's why with 16 years I never had a boyfriend or something else.

This staring was weird for me, I didn't know what to do, but at the same time I wanted to have more self confidence, to pull him on the side and ask him all the questions I want to know answers on.

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