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~October 2040~

The teacher entered the classroom but not the one students expected.

"good morning everyone, I know you didn't expect me but I need a minute of your attention" the teacher says as everyone went quiet sitting on their places

"this Friday we will have a small football tournament. Guys from Leicester under 21 squad will join us on Friday morning, you will walk them around the school and then at the 11am we will all meet at the pitch" boys started talking about it and it was clear to see excitement on their faces

"Since that period you have PE I decided that you boys will be the biggest part of our team. I need you to let me know who wants to play until 10am tomorrow and then we will make the team of 24 players. And girls I would like if you will take a part to be around pitch, bringing waters and those things" the teacher says looking from excited boys to girls as they immediately got excited too

"we have a deal?" he asked and everyone nodded saying yes

"nice, thank you all and I will see you on Friday" he said and left the classroom

Boys started going crazy not believing what will happen on Friday. They were that excited as they will play with Leicester first team or some other bigger club and not the under 21 squad.

Girls, on the other hand, were excited to see all those boys and nothing else. It wasn't nothing surprising, normal thing that girls their age are doing, just looking at the boys who are any kind of athletes.

"you okay?" Phoebe asked bringing her best friend back to reality

"yeah, why won't I be?" Grace asked smiling at her

"just asking" Phoebe said and smiled at Grace

Soon after classroom door went opened and closed and teacher made her way to her desk greeting everyone in the classroom.


Grace stepped into school hallway followed by Phoebe as she was feeling more nervous than ever before and she has no idea why.

"this is going to be fun" Phoebe said clapping with her hands and walking happily beside Grace as they were making their way to main hallway

"Phoebe" one of the guys shout jogging towards girls

"Alex, oh my god" Phoebe said surprised hugging guy

"uh, I'm sorry, this is Grace, my best friend" she said separating from the guy and pointing towards her best friend

"Grace, this is Alex, my cousin" Phoebe said as he raised his hand to the girls

"nice to meet you" he said smiling and Grace lightly smiled back

"nice to meet you too" Grace said

Alex was middle tall guy, brown hair, light brown eyes, athletic body and really beautiful smile.

"and what are you doing here? I didn't know you came" Phoebe said not much satisfied with the situation

"we came really late so I didn't have time to text you" he said leaning against wall and looking at his cousin as Grace was standing there leaned against her locker

"what are you doing here here?" Phoebe asked

"I came to support my best friend today, it's friendly match but his first here since he moved from LA" Alex said pointing with head towards group of boys

Grace's gaze flew to them, looking from one to another. They were all tall, athletic body, strong arms boys. Definitely all of them really handsome but one of them had her full attention.

Her body froze, she swallowed hard not being able to take her gaze from him. His blue eyes looked right in her soul even from distance.

His squad was saying something to him punching his shoulder but he didn't pay attention. He was just staring at her and she didn't know how she actually feel in the moment.

She didn't know is she happy or mad to see him. Is she going to be able to get closer to him nor to talk to him.

She couldn't help but stare at him, not believing how much he has grown, how much he has changed. Tall, brown hair, those blue eyes and that smile of his that all girls are falling for.

"let me introduce you" Alex said showing to girls to walk towards boys with him

Grace was swallowing hard, her legs numb, knees weak, heart beating faster by every second as they were getting closer to the boys.

"boys, this is Phoebe, my cousin and this is Grace, her best friend" Alex said introducing girls to the boys

"Phoebe, Grace, this is Noah, Jack, Luke" Alex laughed pointing from boy to boy as girls shook hands with them

"and this is Leo, our main star today" Alex laughed pointing to boy

Phoebe shook her hand with Leo and then it was Grace's time to the same.

Her body froze for the hundred time in the last couple of minutes. Their hands touched sending shivers through her whole body as she felt weakness in her knees.

She looked at his eyes, not the ones she remember, these now are ice blue, looking at her coldly and she couldn't believe what happened to the boy she used to know.

Her hand slipped from his making her pay attention to other guys and not him. She didn't know him, she did not know him, that's not that same person and she was now more than anything scare what will happen next, what will happen when her dad will find out who came back.

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