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I got home half an hour ago and I immediately locked myself in my bedroom trying to process what I found out last night.

"GRACE ROSE CHILWELL" but I couldn't

I went downstairs not knowing what I'm gonna tell him.

"where you've been last night?" dad asked and I just stood there, in front of him, not looking at him

"you weren't at Phoebe's" he said

"Reece didn't saw anyone entering his house yesterday"

"what's going on Grace, where are you going?" he asked and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks

"I can't tell you" I said

"why? You know you can tell me" he said holding my cheeks

"I know but it's not about me" I said looking at him

"then about who?" he asked

"I was with Leo, he told me something that I'm not supposed to tell anyone even I want because it's hurting me but I know it hurt him even more because he opened up to me first, James and Kennedy don't know and I'm not supposed to tell anyone" I said

"what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry dad" I said through tears and I ran upstairs locking my doors and leaning against them sinking down on the floor in tears

I'm the only one who can help him and I need to do it right, I can't lose his coincidence, I can't lose him, I don't want to hurt him, I don't want to give him one more reason to hate girls.

Can I see you tomorrow after school?
Seen 2:28pm

I didn't even sent him a message and he already saw it but didn't answer.

I throw my phone on the bed and fortunately it didn't fell on the floor. I leaned my head against doors closing my eyes and pulling knees closer to my chest.

Want me to pick you up?

Even it hurt even talk to him after I found out what shit happened to him I smiled.

If that's alright for you

What time?

Half 3

Okie :)

That smiley don't look sure so I just ignored it.


The whole day I couldn't concentrate on anything not even my lover, my skeleton that has always made me company in school when I felt lonely.


"what?" I asked looking at Phoebe beside me

"I'm sorry for yesterday" she said

"it's not matter, don't worry about that" I said and looked back through the window

"you seem so off, what's wrong?" she asked

"I'm going through weird time with Leo and I'm so messed up" I said looking at her when my phone vibrated

I looked at message trying not to be seen by my teacher but when we are in kind of practice we can have phone but not too much.


I looked out of window. He was leaned on his car looking at his phone and I couldn't help but smile.

I secretly took a photo of him sending it to him.

Nice car

I saw him looking from window to window and I just smiled even more. I tried to concentrate on last 10 minutes of class.

"I'm seeing Leo afterwards" I whispered to Phoebe


"he came to pick me up" I said as she was staring at me in shock

"what the-what??" she asked not believing

I rolled my eyes "nothing is happening between us he is just driving me home" I half lied to her once again

"you little one.... you're messing with him that's why you said I have to act sick" she said laughing quietly

"shhh....and no... I'm not messing anything with him" I said and bell rang in the right time

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said to her hurrying out of the classroom

"wait" she ran after me towards our lockers

"you like him" she said smiling

"he is a part of my family, Phoebe" I said

"not in blood, so doesn't mean anything" she said smirking at me as she leaned against locker beside mine

I pushed my book in it taking out notebook from math so I can do my homework.

"I have to go" I said locking my locker

"have fun" she said and I just rolled my eyes hurrying out of the school

"hey" I said and he got scared for a bit as he looked at me from his phone

"hey" he said smiling at me lightly

"let's go" I said and he nodded

"no-no" he protested running in front of em and opening doors for me

"thanks" I said smiling at him

"such a gentleman aren't you?!" I said smiling at him as he sat in his seat

"only for you" he smiled at me pinching my cheek

"I hate when you do that" I said reminding him that I still remember all the time when he did this to me when we were younger

"but I like it" he said and gave me that real smile of his that I haven't seen for a while

"I missed you" I said and he looked at me confused for a second

"what you mean?" he asked

"I missed you smiling" I said

"I thought I actually forgot how to do it until you came around again" he said stopping on red light and looking at me

"where are we going?" he asked putting the lock of my hair behind my ear

"somewhere we can forget about everything" I said and he smirk at me

"okay" he said kissing my forehead

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