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~Christmas 2040~

I woke up hearing voices coming from the lower floor. Everyone sounded so happy and I couldn't believe we are spending Christmas together after 10 years.

I wanted to stay cuddled to my duvet for few more minutes but Leo ruined it by bursting into my room not thinking what could happen when he will open doors. I could be changing and he will burst just like that into my room.

"sleepy head, wakey up" he said happily and I couldn't help but smile

"good morning sleepy princess" he said leaning closer to me as he got to my bed

He just called me princess and I couldn't stop smiling.

"good morning" I said smiling still wrapped in my duvet till my chin

"get up" he said sitting on the edge of my bed and pulling my duvet from me but I didn't let it

"come on GR" he said trying to get me from my bed but I was just smiling at him not wanting to leave my bed even I wanted to spend day with everyone

"what I need to do for you to get up?" he asking knowing so well that I didn't like it much when he was teasing me this way

"do you want a kiss?" he asked and I nodded biting my lip

"okay" he said and leaned closer to me, pinning my hands above my head and with other hand he pulled my duvet away not kissing me

"you're not playing fair" I said not satisfied

"get up Grace" he said and I frowned

"not that" I mumbled not satisfied

"get up GR, it's Christmas morning" he said pulling me by wrist

"okay okay, let me change at least" I mumbled and he went towards doors

"you know what? I can stay, I won't do anything just wait for you here" he said sitting on my chair

"get....the....hell....out ....of....my ...room" I said throwing my stuffed animals and pillows on him

"I like this one, can we call him Leo?" he asked showing me my stuffed lion that he actually gave me for 4th birthday

"get off Leo" I said throwing my last pillow at him

"not that" he frowned

"get out LC" I said a bit louder and he just laughed taking my lion with him

"GIVE HIM BACK" I shout after him immediately jumping from my bed and never quicker I put on my sweatpants and hoodie

"LEO CRUZ-" I said louder but he put his hand over my mouth as soon as I opened my doors

"shhh" he whispered

"here, your Leo Cruz" he said smiling at me proudly giving me my lion back

"that's not his name" I said pulling lion closer to my chest

"then what it is?" he asked pinning me against wall as he closed doors behind us

His arms on both sides of my head, his face close to mine and I could feel his breath on my lips.

"he doesn't have a name" I said

"then it's Leo Cruz" he said and put his finger underneath my chin pulling me into kiss

"let's go" he said and opened doors

~FEBRUARY, 2041~

If someone told me five months ago that I'll be buying chocolate and roses I will say that they're crazy. But here I am, just entered my car after I bought chocolate and roses for someone really important to me, the most past three months.

I'm picking her up from school and I decided to shoot my shot this time not scared of getting brokenhearted.

I put bouquet of roses behind passenger seat and drove towards her school.


"hey" I said happily entering his car

"hey there" he said smiling at me

I looked at him and I could see worry in his eyes.

"what's wrong?" I asked putting my hand on his cheek

"nothing" he smiled at me

"Leo" I warned him not to lie to me

"if someone told me like a year and half ago that I'm gonna have feelings for someone, fall for someone, I wouldn't believe but then, I am here today, with feelings and I can know surely say that I really do like you Grace....like really. Even if you don't feel the same, but I doubt after everything and the look in your eyes is telling me something but you know the best so, even if you don't feel the same and if you say no, it's okay, I'll be okay with that because I know I have you beside me either way" he said confusing me

"so Grace Rose, would you be my Valentine?" he asked pulling bouquet of roses from behind my seat and I couldn't help my tears

"yes....of course" I said as he put his hand on my cheek wiping lost tears away from my cheeks

"I love you" I said

I didn't expect him to say it back but I needed him to know that I really do love him.

"I didn't think I would ever say it but I can know surely say that I love you too GR" he said and just couldn't be happier

He put the lock of my hair behind my ear stroking my cheek.

"what we gonna do?" I asked

"if you're up for, we can spend evening at mine" he said

"at yours?" I asked

He bought apartment about two months ago but I haven't been there yet. Whenever we spent time together it would be either his or mine house.

"at my apartment" he said smiling

"yes" I said and smiled

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