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It past a week, I got back to my room, with pain but I'm starting to walk up the stairs because I want to get back on the pitch as soon as I will be able to.

I haven't heard from her since that day. Ben was here twice and he didn't mention her in front of me but I heard when he was talking to dad in the living room while I went to get water that she is not well.

That she's not leaving her room, that Phoebe called too many times asking why she is not hanging out with her, why she goes straight to home after school.

She also got down with grades and she paused her Spanish lessons and it's all my fault. If I talked to her that day probably nothing of this would happen.

"MILLIE" I shout from my room

"what's going on?" she asked entered my room

"would you do me a favour?" I asked

"depends what is" she said

"would you call Grace and on any way possible try to get her here? But that she doesn't know that I'm here, tell her I went to scan or something" I said

I have to talk to her, I have to tell her some things and I have to get her back. I need her, I need her more than anything and those a week suck without her.

"I tried the other day to get her and Kyle for sleepover but she didn't want to" she said and I groaned

"can you try again, please" I begged

"just because you're my brother and because I love you" she said and I pulled her closer kissing the top of her head

"thank you" I said and she left my room

I hope she will give up and come over so I can finally talk to her, if I will lucky enough to hug and maybe kiss her again.


Mum, dad and Millie went out, leaving me alone to wait for Grace and to talk to her in peace.

When I heard bell I limbed towards doors opening them. She immediately turned around but I pulled her by wrist.

"please, Grace, let us talk" I begged

"I've been asshole, I know, but let us talk" I said

She gave up and first step was successfully done. I sat beside her on the couch close that our legs almost touched but she pulled away and I didn't know if something hurt me this much.

"I don't know from where to start" I took a deep breath trying to process everything what I want to tell her


"I get you're mad because I didn't want to talk that day but I couldn't stop thinking about everything what happened since you left. I got mad at myself but I told myself that even if I rush things and asked you to be my girlfriend too early that if I can turn back time I would do same. Why? Because I don't want anyone else, Grace, if I can't have you I don't want anybody else. If you need time, okay, I get you, take your time, how much you need. If you need time away from me, okay, I get that too, I will step back. If you realise that you don't want me, that also will be okay, I'll step back, let you live your life however you want and think it's the best. But, I will always know that if you decide to step back from me, to stay friends or not even that, that I won't ever have anyone else. Because if it's not you it's not anyone" he said looking at me but I couldn't find strength to look him in the eyes

"I know it was bad from me to say that you don't have a reason to trust me because I'm noone to you. I can't describe you how I felt when you told me that you're scared that I'm gonna replace you. Even after I told you to have my first name until I can give you my last. When you told me that you're scared that I'm gonna cheat on you, you didn't say it that way but you meant that, even after I told you that's the thing I really hate, that I can't believe how someone can do that. I know it's hard to trust me after what I used to do but as it's says used, meaning I'm not doing it anymore, I wasn't cheating then, because I wasn't in a relationship. I don't know what is going on between us right now, but this is not a relationship I want, I don't want to argue every second day" he said as tears were rolling down my cheeks

"If you need time away from me, you have to tell, I need to know, because I'm gonna step back, give you the space you need, to think about things. If you want us to slow down, tell me. Whatever you want, you have to tell, we have to communicate, I have to know your needs because that's the way we will only work" he said and I finally looked at him

He never said so many words in this little time until now, he never opened this much and I can't believe I let him think that I don't trust him.

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