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~18th February 2041~
~Grace's birthday~

Yesterday Phoebe, Alex and I begged Grace to go to Alex's and spent a night at his with Phoebe so I can put on the surprise from her this morning.

Least to say that I didn't know what to do so I ordered her bunch of balloons that I'm gonna put in the living room. I also bought her a cake and little gift that I hope she's gonna like.

Just when I was putting on the last balloons on its place bell rang and I got really confused.

I opened doors and I got even more confused.

"Grace Rose Chilwell?" the guy asked reading from his paper

"um yes" I said

"these are for the lady" he said giving me two bouquets of flowers

"thanks....I guess" I said totally confused and I closed doors behind me

I put bouquets on the kitchen island and looked curiously at the cards.

You should be here but that doesn't mean I forget. I love you, KJ.

Kyle, he sent her flowers for birthday right from London to LA and the second bouquet had two cards and it was also from London.

As soon as I read first few words of Ben's card I stopped, I didn't want to read it. Ela's was, to say, classic one but I know it's gonna mean a lot to Grace.

I texted Alex that he can tell Grace to come back home so I called her.

"good morning sleepy head" I said smiling as she answered the phone

"yours probably good but mine is not" she said and I frowned

"what happened?" I asked

"you weren't beside me when I went to sleep and neither were you beside me when I woke up!" she said and I just laughed

"that's the reason for your morning not be good?" I asked laughing to myself

"I mean yes!" she shout

"okay okay, don't be angry with me, you can come back if you want to" I said

"no, now I don't want to, I'm gonna stay here, because my dear boyfriend literally kicked me out yesterday!" she said

"I didn't kicked you out Grace, I just had to do something and you shouldn't be home" I said and immediately cursed myself because it sounded so bad

"ou" she mumbled and I could hear that she is hurt by what I just said

"no, Grace, I didn't mean that way, I swear, you know I'm no-" and she just hang up!

God damnit Leo, what you just did.

"fucking hell" I said hitting couch with my phone in my hand

I took a deep breath and took my car keys.

I went to Alex's hoping she didn't get that mad because of how stupid it sounded what I said.

"we barely stopped her from running away" Alex said as soon as he opened doors for me

"you knew and you let it happen, you let him cheat!" I froze on her words

She think that I cheat, that I sent her to Alex so I could cheat on her just two days after we slept together for the first time, after I told her that she is the only one. Because of my stupid way of lying she is now thinking that I cheat!

"Grace he did-"

"he didn't, yeah, of course he didn't, since he told me the truth about his past I thought he would be loyal and what happened?" now she froze too and I couldn't believe what she just said

"the truth?" Alex asked looking at me and that's when she turned to realize that I am there

"I didn-" my breath started to be heavier and I needed to run away, I couldn't deal with this

And I couldn't believe what she just said, I didn't expect it from her!

I rush out of the house and I started panic. I leaned against my car as my hands started shaking. I can't deal with anyone, I couldn't tell my own parents what happened to me three years ago and now she put me in situation when my best friend won't let me live if I don't tell him.

"Leo, I didn-" I could hear by her voice that she was crying but at the moment it won't help her, it won't work

She tried to touch me but I immediately stepped back.

"don't" I mumbled showing her with my hand not to get closer

"I didn't mean to say it, I was just-"

"you were just mad, for no reason and you said something that I never expected from you" I said rising my voice

"I didn't cheat Grace, no matter on what I went through, I always hated when someone cheat on their girlfriend or wife, that's awful and I would never do something like that and I just can't believe that after everything you trust me that less" I said turning away from her


"I throw you a surprise at home, that's why you shouldn't be there and you ruined it" I said and she just burst into tears

I couldn't look at her, not when she's crying because I'm weak on that and in this moment I can't let her fool me. She hurt me and that's what I thought she would never do, but she did.

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