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She hugged me from behind, I wanted to push her away but if I did I will hurt, not mentally but physically and she didn't deserve that.

Fighting myself I turned around pulling her into hug. I took a deep breath not believing I'm giving up again.

"I didn't mean to say that, I swear Leo, I was just angry and I didn't know what came into me" she said looking up at me with tears running down her cheeks

I exhaled putting my hands on her cheeks wiping her tears away.

"as much as you pissed me off and I'm angry with you but I still love you Grace" I said leaning my forehead against hers

"I'm so sorry" she said sobbing and I just hugged her

"I didn't have to say it that way and everything will be fine, it's my fault" I said holding her close to me

"I shouldn't have react that way" she said and I just kissed the top of her head

"Would you go and tell them we're okay and heading back home?" I asked and she nodded

I couldn't go and face Alex after what she said and I know he will bother me until I tell him but that won't happen, I barely told her and I don't need anyone else know for it.

I sat in my car waiting for her to come back so we drive home.

I wasn't excited for the surprise anymore and I don't know how it's gonna be for her but I did what I could in this moment.


"close your eyes" I said putting my hands over her eyes and walking behind her towards the living room

"you ready?" I asked and she nodded

I took my hands from her eyes and she looked around.

She looked at me with the sparkle in her eyes but followed with few tears and I could say it wasn't happiness but guilty because of what happened earlier.

"I'm so sorry" she said once again and I just kissed her

"it's not matter now" I said leaning my forehead against hers

"happy birthday my love" I whispered and she just leaned her head against my chest


I sat on the couch looking at little box and bouquets of flowers on the coffee table.

"what is this?" I asked

"ou, this came few minutes before I called you" he said giving me two out of three bouquets

I took card from smaller bouquet.

You should be here, but that doesn't mean I forget. I love you, KJ.

I smiled already missing him and it's been only three days, three more away from my family.

In bigger bouquet were two cards.

I hope you're having a great time in LA. Happy birthday sweetheart, I love you, xoxo.mum

I felt tears in my eyes as I bite my lip.

I know I won't be the last man you love but it makes me so happy to know that I was the first. Happy birthday princess, xoxo.dad

And that was enough to make me burst into tears.

I put my hand on my face holding all three card close to my chest. They made me feel like it's be a year and not three days of seeing them but it just showed me they care about me and that they love me, I knew that but they always have to do something to make me cry.

After I calm down for a bit I looked at Leo.

He was sitting beside me not doing anything, just like he knew I needed few moments by myself.

"and these?" I asked pointing to one more bouquet and little box

"and these are from me" he said giving it to me

"Leo....you didn't have to" I said holding little box in my hands

He did all this for me and he bought me some jewellery.

"open it" he said and I wasn't satisfied, I don't want him to do this, not this early, I don't want people say I'm using him

I slowly opened box and I gasped looking at him in shock.

"Leo" I mumbled

"I'm sorry, I can't take this" I said handing box back to him

"don't be stupid, Grace, I bought it for you, as a birthday gift and you can't not take" he said

"it's too much" I said and he shook his head taking necklace out of box

"turn around" he said about to put the necklace on my neck

It was white gold necklace with diamond name of his.

"I want you to have this, for everyone to know that you're taken, that you're mine" he said looking at me after he put necklace on my neck

"I want you to have my first name until I can gave you my last" he said and I couldn't believe what he was saying

He was already planning on marrying me? He asked me to be his girlfriend 4 days ago and he already plans our wedding? I just turned 17 and I'm definitely not ready to marry

"yes Grace, I know it's early but I am, I think I'm gonna marry you one day, of course if you will want to marry me but yeah, I think about it" he said cupping my face

"I never trust someone as much as I do to you and I don't know if I will ever be supposed to love someone else but you" he said and I couldn't believe what I did

I thought he cheat on me while he was doing all of this, making me surprise, buying me necklace.

"I'm sorry for what I did earlier, I can't believe how stupid I was, you're doing all this for me and I...." I burst into tears feeling never more stupid

He just hugged me tightly stroking my hair.

"it's okay Grace, trust me, I will think the same and react the same on your place, if not worse, so I don't judge you, it's my fault" he said kissing the side of my head as I cried on his chest

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