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"hey stranger" James laughed and so do dad

"hey capitan America" dad laughed

"that was your teammate Christian not me" James said

"yeah yeah, anyways, I have someone who wants to say hi to you" dad said and tears were rolling down my cheeks as new were immediately filling up my eyes

"oh, is it my guy Kyle?" James asked and it past couple of seconds before I spoke out

"hey James" I said as tears were rolling down my cheeks

"Grace? hey" he said and I could say he was totally surprised and that it wasn't the same to him either

It past couple of moments of silence, neither of us speaking and dad was just sitting on the edge of my bed looking at my face as tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"I will tell you everything, I will tell you why but I just wanted us to meet up alone, or with dad, but that there is no Leo" I spoke up

He cleared up his throat before speaking up "no worries, we can meet wherever you want, do you have some favourite spot in London? Something you really love to do? So we can go there?" he asked

"it doesn't have to be anything special" I said whipping my cheeks

"okay, I'll see you soon Grace, we're not leaving again, I promise" he said and tears rolled down my cheeks again

"okay" I said through tears

"see you" he said

"see you" I said and then line died

In this moment I was even more disappointed in Leo, his dad cared more about me than he did, his dad was more excited to see me than he was.

"you miss him" dad said questionable whipping my cheeks

"I really do" I said "him and Kennedy were my second parents when they were here, they were always caring about me, checking on me, asking if I was good" I said


The next morning I woke up I heard mum and dad arguing front the kitchen or living room. I didn't know what was happening, they never raise their voice on each other nor that they will argue.

I went to bathroom to change and brush my teeth before I walked downstairs.

"she told you she don't want to be around him and why are you doing this to her?" mum yelled at dad and I was now aware that I am the cause of their fight

"good morning" I said walking towards them

"morning sunshine, sorry if we woke you up" mum said kissing the top of my head as I hugged her looking at dad as he mumbled I'm sorry

I entered kitchen leaving them in living room as they talked for couple of more moments.

I took a glass of water sitting on high chair at the kitchen island.

"I know Ela, I get it, she will talk with James and Kennedy first, then she can go with us if she will want to, if not okay, I can't push her to anything" dad said

"why did you then said she has to go?" mum asked

"because I don't know what happened between them" dad said and I went to the backyard

I sat on the couch pulling knees to my chest and leaning my head onto my knees.

I know this all is weird for everyone, the most for our parents but it's his fault that I don't want to see him.

He's the one who act cold, he's the one who said he do not owe me an explanation after everything, he's the one who act like he didn't left and like we didn't see each other for 10 years.

Not knowing when but I felt my cheeks become wet. I sniffed wiping tears from my cheeks. I leaned my head back onto the wall closing my eyes as light sun was lighting my face.

"hey" dad said softly as he sat down beside me

I looked at him for a second and closed my eyes again.

"are you mad at me?" he asked and I exhaled sitting up and looking at him

"no reason for that, I just don't get why you went fight with mum because of me" I said

"it was just  a misunderstand, don't worry, okay?" he said

"what were you talking about?" I asked

"I know you said you don't want to be around him.... it's just James and Kennedy already asked for dinner night this Saturday at theirs...and if we will stay for the weekend there" dad said and I looked at him madly but I wasn't mad at him or mum or James or Kennedy, but on him, on Leo.

"you're joking right?" I asked laughing but soon enough I got serious

"I'm sorry" he said

"you said we will all come and stay there along with me?" I asked and he nodded

I heard him trying to say something but it was too later. I stood up storming away from him. Entering my room I slammed them closed.

I couldn't believe what is happening. I'm gonna see Kennedy and Millie tomorrow then I'm going out with James at Friday which means right after that meeting we will be at their house, me at the same house with Leo.

Maybe I can do something to avoid this weekend with them even I don't want to because I missed them and our weekends together but nothing will be this way if Leo was different, if he is not like this, cold, not interested in their comeback.

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