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I felt light kisses on my shoulder, neck, cheek, lips, nose and forehead what made me smile.

"good morning princess" he whispered kissing my nose

"good morning LC" I said opening my eyes and wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer

He rub his nose against mine causing me to giggle and pulling him in hug as he buried his face in my neck and I put my chin on his shoulder smiling.

"how are you feeling?" he asked laying on his hip

"I'm good" I said smiling at him

"sure?" he asked and I rolled my eyes

"did you just roll your eyes at me?" he asked frowning

"no" I said

"and you're now lying to me" he frowned

"don't roll your eyes at me" he said running his thumb over my lip

"why not?" I asked quietly

"you will get in trouble" he said and I smiled for a second

"last time you said I got myself in trouble I actually liked that trouble" I said


"yeah" I smiled and he kissed me

"what do you want for breakfast?" he asked putting the lock of my hair behind my ear and stroking my cheek

"you" I whispered

"grosssssss" he groaned making disgusted face expression

"what came into you Grace?" he asked sitting up

"devil" I said smiling

"some weird devil" he said

"you made the devil you like" I said

"okay let's wake up, what you want for breakfast? Like real food, not your weird fantasies" he said

"some pancakes?" I asked

"means you're making them" he said standing up from bed

"and you're helping" I said standing up after him

"it won't end well but we can try" he said pulling me by wrist and kissing me

I put on his t-shirt as he just pulled up him tracksuit bottoms and we went to bathroom to brush our teeth.


"can you get me some flour?" I asked and in the next second flour fell down my face

"what did you do?" I asked rubbing my eyes and looking towards him

"oops, it was an accident" he said laughing

I took some flour and rub it on his hair.

Next what I know the bowl with flour flew from kitchen island to the floor and I was sat on the island.

"you're doing something you know you shouldn't" he said before he kissed me

"we came to make pancakes not a mess" he said pointing to the bowl and flour on the floor

"we can't do it here" he said looking at me

"what?" I asked acting stupid

"you well know what" he said "we have to make pancakes and eat" he added

"you just throw bowl on the floor and we don't have any more flour" I said

"and what now?" he asked gribbing tighter on my hips

"eggs and bacon?" I asked and he smiled

"okay" he said pecking my lips and stepping away from me

I jumped down from the kitchen island opening fridge and taking eggs and bacon.


"GRACE" Leo shout from his game room and I groaned leaving my book on the couch and going to his game room

"what?" I asked looking through half opened doors

"can you get me a water?" he asked looking at me for under a second and I rolled my eyes

"why don't you get it yourself?" I asked leaning on doorway

"FUCK YOURSELF NOAH" he shouted and I rolled my eyes once again

"because I'm in the middle....FUCK....of the match" he said lightly jumping from his chair

"I'm busy, get it yourself" I said slamming doors and getting back to the bedroom sitting down on the bed and taking my book back in my hands

I love him, I appreciate him but he can't think I'm gonna do something for him because he is playing a game and just then he become thirsty. He has legs, healthy legs and he can walk, it's not my fault he didn't bring his bottle with him when he decided to play.

A minute later he burst into room slamming doors and the same second he was beside me.

He took my book putting it on the night stand and getting on the top of me.

"don't think I don't know that you rolled your eyes at me....twice" he said looking at me angrily and least to say I got scared because I never saw him like this

He raise his hand and I got scared he was about to slap me what caused me to turn my head on the side and put my hands on my face.

I felt tears filling my eyes and I was about to burst into tears wanting to tell him that I am sorry and that I'm gonna do whatever he says just for him not to hit me.

"Grace" he mumbled shocked and pulled my hands from my face getting me to look at him but my eyes were closed filled with tears and fear

"did you.....you thought....." he mumbled and a second later he jumped from bed, away from me

He sank down on the floor against the wall, hands in his face and I didn't know what to do.

I wanted to go to him but I was too scared even I now knew he won't hit me.

"I would never hit you" he said quietly and I could hear his voice was shaking and I just had to jump closer to him

I sat on my heels beside him taking his hands in mine as tears were falling down my cheeks.

"I would never do that Grace, I know I overreacted for getting mad about that but I wasn't actually mad, I wanted to joke with you and it turned out the way I didn't imagine it, I didn't want to scare you nor to hit you Grace" he said and I leaned my forehead against his

"I wanted to pin yours hands above your head not hit you" he said as tears fell down his cheeks and I just hugged him feeling guilty that I even thought about such a thing even I know he wouldn't do such a thing

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