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"that is definitely not fair of you, you can't do that, Leo, I got money from mum for dress and heels you shouldn't do that" she said

"you can take that money for yourself, I wanted to pay and buy you that dress because you look so freaking good in it" I said to her, the last part a little quieter because there was a lot of people around us

"I just hope there won't be guys" I said

"Auntie said I can take someone with me if I want to and I actually wanted to ask you if you want to go with me" she said and I smirk

"yeah? You want me to go with you?" I asked pulling her closer to myself in the middle of shopping centre

"yes, now step back because we are in public" she said and I just smiled giving her some space


"you gonna take money for dress and heels" she said giving me two hundred of dollars

"I'm not gonna take it and you're actually giving me too much" I said looking at her when we stopped in front of her house

She had to get home because she has some stupid exam tomorrow that she have to learn for a bit more and she couldn't go with me.

"Leo, please" she begged but I shook my head cupping her face

"not gonna happen Grace, I want you to leave that money for yourself, not letting your mum know that I paid this, because Ben will get mad at me without a reason, you're my girlfriend and it's my right to buy you gifts" I said kissing the corner of her lips

"I love you GR" I said leaning my forehead against hers

"I won't forget you this, but I love you too" she said putting her hand on my neck

I leaned in kissing her before she left.


I entered the house and I immediately went upstairs to do some last things for school tomorrow.

Mum was probably in room while dad and Kyle were still on the training.

"mum, do you want to see what I got?" I asked about half an hour later knocking on her room doors but I didn't get an answer

I entered room and she wasn't there I walked downstairs, she wasn't in the living room either and I got really worried.

I saw light in the garden and I rush there.

"mum, you scared me" I said hugging her

She was reading book sitting on the couch in the garden.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear when you got back" she said hugging me

"did you buy dress and heels?" she asked looking at me

"yeah, I did" I said smiling

I loved both dress and heels but I hate the fact that Leo paid for them instead of me.

"can I see them?" she asked and I smiled nodding

"of course" I said

"let's go, I'm actually kind of chilly already" she said and I laughed

"dad won't be happy if you say that you're just kind of chilly" I said and she laughed along with me

"ah young lady, you're so funny" she said as we walked back into the house

I went upstairs to put on my dress and heels while mum waited for me in the living room.

As I put my dress on I took a photo and sent it to Leo without a word.

I smiled to myself and sat on the edge of the bed to put my heels on.

I carefully walked downstairs, it took me 5 minutes and dad and Kyle were already home, standing on the entrance of living room talking to mum.

"we gonna take-" dad stopped and turned around when they clearly heard my heels hitting the floor

They were just staring at me and it was probably the most because this is my first time wearing dress and heels properly.

"is that for the weekend?" that asked and I nodded smiling shyly

"is it too much?" I asked worrying about that just now

"no" mum said "it's amazing Grace, you look wonderful" she said stepping closer to me

"you're so beautiful" she said taking my hands in hers and looking at my dress

"what is going on young lady?" dad asked pointing to my dress and then heels

"what?" I asked not understanding

"from when you're wearing dresses and heels?" he asked looking at me

"from now, you know I'm like you and mum, more for tracksuits but I can't go to the wedding like that, so yeah" I said

"you better find something fancy too" dad said pointing to Kyle

"I actually thought about going in my tracksuit or football kit" he joked as dad just hit him in the shoulder playfully

Two of them went to take showers after the training and I went to change so we can all just spend about an hour together before we will go to sleep since it was almost 9.

I sat on the edge of the bed taking my heels of when I saw my phone beside me. I took him to check if Leo answered and he did more than just answered. I had three missed calls and 7 unopened messages.

I smiled at myself opening messages.

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