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~JULY, 2041~

"do I need anything else?" I asked looking at Phoebe

"let me guess, you didn't take that dress?" she asked raising her eyebrow

"that was a mistake that I even brought it" I said

"it will be a mistake if you don't bring it with you, you look so good in it Grace, I swear you will slip him off his shoes" she said

"I'm so excited about the holidays" I said sitting on the edge of my bed

She stood up going to my wardrobe and I know what she is doing.

"this" she said throwing little silk baby pink dress at me and I rolled my eyes

"no" I said

"yes and that's it" she said putting the dress in my suitcase

"Phee nooooo" I groaned

"don't Phee me, you're taking it with you" she said pushing me away and closing my suitcase

"hell no" she mumbled opening it again

"where are they?" she asked quietly that I barely heard her

"yeah, here they are" she said taking my faux leather translucent ankle strap heels, one of two heels pair that I own

"Phoebe no" I said not wanting it with me

"you will be grateful when you get back" she said and I rolled my eyes throwing myself on the back laying down on the bed

"trust me Grace, he won't know what get him" she said smiling proudly

"and you're aware that I won't wear it?" I asked looking at her as she sat beside me

"oh you so will" she said and I gave up not saying anything back


"you ready?" Leo asked on the phone as I was looking through my bathroom if I forgot to pack something

"um....kind of..." I mumbled

"kind of? What does it mean?" he asked

"I'm just trying to see if I forgot something or no" I said

"okay, I'll see you soon, right?" he asked

"I'll be at yours for....I don't know.....half an hour" I said taking my perfumes and putting them in my suitcase

"okay, I'm gonna go for run, you have keys in case I don't make it back until the time?" he asked

"yep" I said

"okay I'll see you later then" he said

"okie, bye" I said

"bye, love you" he said

"love you too" I said and hung up



"our holidays officially starts" Leo said as we entered the house

We got back to where we were 5 months ago, the Maddison's house in LA. We gonna spend a month here, all alone and I just hope nothing will ruin it for us.

He took my suitcase and care it upstairs to his room along with his as I followed him.

"so..... we're here for a month, we have enough time to meet you with city and to have to best time" he said smiling and I couldn't help but smile too

"and I'm so excited for it" I said as he got closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck

"I can't tell you how excited I am" he said as I couldn't stop smiling

"mine are coming at the end of month along with yours and guys" he said and I nodded

"I know, someone is about to become an adult and won't be a teenager anymore" I said smiling

"God, that reminds me I'm getting older" he said

"those are the best years" I said

"yeah and you know that from experience" he said and I hit his chest playfully

"I'm joking" he said kissing me as we both smile in kiss

"what do you wanna see first?" he asked leaning his forehead against mine

"you're my guide so I'm leaving it onto you" I said

"okay as you wish my beautiful tourist" he said smiling

"then today we're going to relax and go to the beach" he said

"okay" I said and we just stared at each other for couple of minutes


"Grace" I felt soft kisses on my shoulder and then on my cheek as I slowly opened my eyes

I fell asleep on the beach and gladly I was under the sunshade because either way I will be sunburn now.

I groaned rubbing my eyes as his arm laid over my stomach.

"you seem to be so tired from the flight" he said smiling

"it was 12 hours long flight, course I am tired" I said looking at him

"do you want to go back to house so you can have proper sleep?" he asked putting the lock of my hair behind my ear and stroking my cheek

"I feel so good here, can we stay?" I asked and he smiled nodding

"course we can, I just thought you would want to go sleep" he laughed

I got closer to him hugging him as we laid on the beach looking at sun that was setting letting me know that I did get at least an hour long nap.

"I used to do this every evening when I was home" he said and I looked up at him as his arm was wrapped over my shoulders

He was looking in front of us at the sunset, not even blinking and I knew he went to different dimension, in his thoughts and I didn't want to interrupt but to listen to his thoughts.

"I was always so fucked up but it helped me, not much but at least a bit. I used to come here, be alone and just stare at the sunset clearing my head, not thinking about anything. Sometimes when I was looking at sunset I thought how it will be if I wasn't that fucked up, how it will be if I wasn't heartbreaker, how it will be if I had someone but also I knew that I will never feel it. I was so aware that I will never get to normal life, never feel what other people do, never get a chance to watch sunset with someone beside me because I didn't want have feelings, for noone....but then...." he looked down at me for a second and then back at the sunset


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