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It took a bit more of ten minutes to find the hotel.

"Grace....my love" I whispered kissing her cheeks

It took her less than 5 minutes to fall asleep.

She mumbled something opening her eyes slowly.

"we got to the hotel" I said quietly

"would you carry me?" she asked and I smiled at her

"do you want me to?" I asked and she nodded

"then let's go" I said and left car going to her side

I opened doors and took her heels and purse from the back giving it to her.

I took my car keys putting them in my pocket before I took her in my arms.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I walked towards the entrance of the hotel.

"do you have keys?" I asked and she took room keys from her purse as I walked towards the elevator

"what floor?" I asked

"10th" she said getting to my face as I just laughed

"okay miss Chilwell, I'm surprised it's not 21st" I said and she just hide her face in the crock of my neck laughing half asleep

As soon as we entered the room I put her down on the bed locking doors and taking her heels and purse putting it away on the chair.

I finally took this suit from me laying down beside her. She mumbled something sitting up and taking her dress off.

"why are you doing this?" I asked looking at her

"what am I doing? I just took it of because I'm not comfortable sleeping in dress" she said

"okay" I mumbled pulling covers over her and wrapping her upper body in it before I pulled her closer to me

"why this?" she asked pulling on the edge of covers

"you know why, now shut up and sleep" I said


I slept for lees than six hours, it was half 9am when I woke up by the sound of her phone not stopping to vibrate.

In one moment it stopped and I got few more minutes of sleep, i.e almost an hour more.

Her phone started vibrating again and I groaned.

"Grace" I whispered on her ear stroking her cheek

"my love" I whispered as she just pushed her head more into my neck mumbling something

"good morning" she mumbled smiling

"morning, your phone is not stopping to vibrate since 8" I said as she squeezed more to me


"why didn't you take a look?" I asked and he looked at me frowning

"why would I look at your messages?" he asked

"I don't have nothing to hide, you should look who is" I said and he took my phone giving it to me

"I'm too sleepy for looking at it" I said kissing his neck

"I don't know your password" he said

"just try some dates, you will get it" I said resting my head on his shoulder looking at my phone as he was trying to get my password

"18th Feb '24....incorrect" he mumbled

"21st Dec '96....incorrect" dad's birthday is not

"26th Feb '98.....incorrect" mum's birthday is not

"9th Jun '26.....incorrect" Kyle's birthday is not

"31st Jul '21.... incorrect" his birthday is not

"14th Feb '41......"

"Correct" "bingo" we said in the same time as I smiled at him

"I should know" he said looking at me

"you should, open the messages" I said and he opened mum's messages

"tell her I'm with you, in the hotel room and that will be down for an hour earliest" I said and he looked at me but typed it

"we skipped breakfast at 9, lunch is at 1pm for the closest family members" I said

"and you're going with me, shut up" I said before he could even say a word

"Phoebe asked how the night went by, did you-" I took my phone from his hand turning it away from him

She really asked if I flirt with someone to make Leo jealous and if I slept with him? What is wrong with her?

"she asked if I flirted with someone to make you jealous" I said to Leo and I saw that it affected on him

"I didn't plan to flirt with anyone or to make you jealous, I don't know him, he just came-" he put his lips against mine

He held my jaw kissing me. It wasn't the usual kiss but I liked it. I didn't know I would say this but I liked everything that happened between us yesterday.

"did I ask for an explanation? I didn't, so don't try to even give me a one" he said holding my neck

He kissed me once again and I rest my head on his shoulder running my fingers over his bare chest.

I tried to push covers away from me because I was hot but he didn't let me.

"don't do it" he said pulling covers over my chest

"I'm hot" I said

"you always are" he said and I smiled at him blushing

"I didn't mean that" I said and he pulled me in for another kiss

"we have to get ready if we want to be on time for lunch" he said

"I need shower" I said

"me too, you go first I'm gonna get us something for eat before we go" he said

"but I won't without eating for next three hours" I said

"full British?" he asked and I smiled giving up to him

"yeah" I said kissing him on the cheek

"you can join me" I said getting up from bed wrapped in covers

"I'm gonna get us breakfast while you take a shower" he said and I walked towards the bathroom

"however you want" I said letting covers slide down my body as I entered the bathroom

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