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~LATE JULY, 2044~
~Leo's 22nd birthday~

Since we were still living at Leo's apartment he decided to have a birthday party at his parents house because, as he says, it safer there than at boys' house. I don't know what he means with that but I can guess it's about privacy for us.

Past couple of months he really was getting comfortable again and not questioning how fast we are going, he got back to his self from the beginning of our relationship when we had sex once per week, even now is more than just once but I don't mind it, just opposite, to be honest, I enjoy it and more than that.

The whole day Leo was everywhere just not at house because he was going to store a hundred of times because each time he forget to buy something and it was even worse because he leaves it all for today. To go buy drinks, snacks, food and everything what goes with it.

It was half five when everyone started arriving and an hour later  the backyard was already full of people and that's when I realised how many people Leo actually invited.

Even it was just the close friends and family but it was still a lot of people because almost all of Leo's friends are now in relationships and so they girlfriends came along.

Noah and Phoebe broke up a little after my birthday which now makes 5 months but Phoebe was still here because she didn't want to put Leo down since they became really good friends.

Alex on the other hand was in taking, he has that one girl he really likes but they are still just friends which is confusing me because every time Leo and I used to hang out with them past three months they were so close and if she is acting that she likes him but actually don't then she is an unbelievable actress.

Then we have Luke, Jack and Daniel. Luke who is happily in love with my dear cousin Paige for almost a year now. Jack who was in relationship for not longer than two months with some girl we didn't even meet and is now single.

And Daniel is in a relationship with Olivia for more than two years now after the breakup with Kenzie that happened few months after Phoebe and I met her for the first time on Alex' birthday party almost four years ago.

I'm still not sure what is happening with Millie and Kyle but they are old enough to make it up themselves and I really wish them all the best because they would make such a nice couple but it's all on them. If they stay just best friends I'm sure that will be the friendship noone will ever be able to break apart.

"you've distanced" Leo said wrapping his arms around my waist 

"I didn't" I smiled at him putting my hands on his biceps

"everything's okay, right?" he asked and I nodded pecking his lips

"everything's more than okay" I said wrapping my arms around his torso as he pulled me closer to him

I leaned my head against his chest as we stayed like that for a bit longer.


Everyone were messing around and I could say everyone were feeling more than good, even Noah and Phoebe who were distanced from each other the whole night but they were having a good time with friends.

"Millie" I shout and she waved her hand walking towards so we went to take a cake since it was nearly nine and it was already time for cake

I took cake from fridge and she light up the candles holding her hands close to them keeping them from being blowed by the air.

Everyone started singing happy birthday as they saw us and they made a place for us to walk towards Leo and the table that was meant for the cake.

Cake was a two-tiered, it was light black and white with couple of balls, the t-shirts with number 10. Happy 22nd birthday was written on the side of cake as on the top was Leo Cruz with the candles of number 22. Cake had even more details, they were tiny but still so cute and beautiful.

"make a wish and blow them off" I said standing beside him as he wrapped one arm around me


I have all I ever asked for and the only thing I want now is to stay with Grace forever, to have a family with her, to have little her running through our new house.

But I still don't know how she feels about that, does she wants it, is she ready for family and kids, she is just 20 and I get it if she doesn't want but I am so damn obsessed with her that I can start a family with her now and here.

Even I am ready for family I'm still not sure about marriage but kids don't have to happen just in marriage, right? After all mum and dad had me way before they got married but I really do want to marry her one day there is no doubt.

I blew candles off turning to her as she was staring at me with a big smile across her face. I leaned in and kissed her.

The night was flying by, everyone were having fun but me, not because I didn't like it because I really did but because I should be everywhere just not close to Grace.

They were Noah, Luke, Jack, Daniel and Alex who I trusted and after all Luke, Daniel and Alex have a girlfriends and Noah is still in love with Phoebe while Jack's head is all over places but I wasn't worried about that.

I was worried about others, two more guys from Leicester that I played with before I signed for first squad, three guys from international team and three more guys that I met here out of football. I didn't know them as much as I knew Alex, Noah, Jack, Luke and Daniel and that's what was worrying me.

Grace was looking damn good and I knew she is save beside Phoebe and Kyle was having her on eye too but I was still scared for her, or I just needed her so much, I'm possessive, that's true but that's all her fault.

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