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".....but look at your mum, Ben was her first love, they had ups and downs but they're happy at the end and are having you two amazing kids. Liam and I had complicated start, we had our bad times and we broke up couple of times through past 7 years, but he was my first love and everything was always pulling me back to him and now we are here, we said yes to each other for the rest of our lives" she said as I was listening but I was confused

"Things won't always go your way but when you really love something or someone you're always getting back to it and I just want to tell you that if you really love him don't let him go. I know that those 10 years were hard but at the end he came back and you're now together. If you're meant for each other this will be your last time falling in love until you get a child and no matter how hard it will get you have to fight and know that conversation is always a key for everything, don't overreacting, talk" she said looking behind my back and then back at me

"he's staring at you but don't turn around" she said

"I talked with Ela and she said that she can't believe that she's marrying one girl and that the other got a boyfriend" she said and smiled what caused me to smile too

"she's my sister but a lot of time she was also like my mother even I didn't have her for 8 years not even knowing I have a sister" she said and I could see tears in her eyes

"we don't like to be reminded of that but sometimes it's good to bring it back and talk about how things changed. I'm 16 years younger than her and I know it was hard to get sibling when you were in your craziest years but I will never forgive our parents for what they did and I can't imagine how my life will look like if she didn't make a move, find me and told me the truth. I can't imagine what it will be not having niece and nephew like you and Kyle and to not mention the brother in law, Ben, he was always like my older brother" she said and I felt tears filling my eyes

"I want to say that your mum is a bit worried but believe me that it's only because she is not ready for you growing up, she's saying that she can't believe you're gonna get married one day" she said and I smiled

"I'm so happy I have a niece like you and I'm so happy because of you. Believe and fight, that's a key and don't think I won't have him on eye" she said and I laughed

She kissed my forehead and I just hugged her.

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" she said kissing my forehead once again

"If he's jealous that's good because it's means he cares and that he is scared of loosing you" she said

"now go get your man, I have a feeling that I will die if gaze can kill" she said and I laughed

"he wouldn't do that" I said as I looked at Leo who just quickly looked at Kyle but I saw he wasn't happy that I'm that long away from him

We got back to my parents as I stepped closer to Leo, taking his hand in mine and he just squeezed it.

"congratulations" he said to my aunt as I just smiled at myself

He seems so furious just because I talked with my auntie.

"it's nice to see you after all those years" she said

"Kennedy said few minutes ago that they're about to-"

"come" auntie said smiling towards the entrance where James and Kennedy walked in hand in hand with happy Millie beside them

"come with me" Leo whispered to me pulling me by hand but I stopped

"I want to greet yours and hear how Millie's rehearsal went" I said looking at him but he gave me serious look

"come with me" he said more serious pulling me away

He pulled me to the back of the venue

"what did you talk about?" he asked and I raised my eyebrow

"it was auntie-neice conversation" I said

"Grace, it was clearly about me, she was looking at me almost the whole time, what did she say?" he asked

"why would you be so worried about what my aunt said to me?" I asked not understanding the situation

"do you hide something so you're scared that she know and told me?" I asked

"what?" he asked looking at me furiously

"what would I hide? And for what?" he asked pinning me against the wall

"I told you everything, I'm not hiding anything Grace, how many times I have to say that I believe you?" he asked looking at my eyes

"we just had conversation that should stay between us, yes, it had to do with you, but it was only good" I said

"we had and we will have ups and downs but we said that we have to trust each other, I promise it was good" I said cupping his face

"I'm sorry" he said leaning his forehead against mine

"I'm just scared that someone might saw me with some girl months ago and that they will tell you like it was now when we are together and that you will leave me" he said and I pulled him closer to myself

"no, don't think about that, only we know the truth and if someone tell me something I'm gonna come to you for a talk, we won't overthinking, we gonna talk" I said and he nodded against my forehead

"I love you" he whispered

"I love you more" I whispered back and he kissed me

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