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~MAY, 2044~

I finished high school two years ago. It was an amazing experience but I really wanted to finish it, to stop thinking about all the things I had to do for it and finally concentrate on myself and my relationship.

I decided to pause college because I want to find myself, I want to see what I can do for myself and how I can get along without parents help and now it's been two years of that.

Leo and I have been talking about buying a house together but he is still not much sure because he says he can't plan a life in Leicester for us and buy us a house if he will leave the club. That wasn't his plan but there was a lot of talking between him, his dad and manager that he could leave the club for the better one.

I still don't know which club is in case even there is a lot of rumours but that's what I am not reading and looking at, I just know that it's the club in England .

He said he wants to make sure that everything will play out good for both of us and when he will know what the summer break holds for him we can talk more about buying a house.

What I am sure about is that if he will want me with him I will go anywhere that's why I paused my college. I want to spend a time with him, I want to travel with him and I want to make sure he knows I'm supporting him in everything and that I will be there for him.

My first priority is our relationship and make sure it's as save as it can be and that we are stronger than ever. I want to be sure we're ready to make another step in our relationship even it's just a moving in together which is also a big step.

On the other hand I want Leo to fully focus on his career to be his best and to show everyone what a player like him can do even in not that popular club of England.

I would definitely be more than proud of him if he can move to another club, bigger club and show his potential there, but I also know that he really wants to stay in Leicester for at least one more year, till the end of his contract.

"Grace" Leo called for me quietly stroking my hair as he was sitting on the couch and I was laying down with my head on his lap

"yes?" I asked looking up at him

"is everything okay?" he asked stroking my cheek

"everything's more than okay, what will be?" I asked smiling at him

"I'm just asking" he said leaning closer to me so he can kiss me

"is something bothering you?" I asked

He sometimes asks me if everything's okay while something is bothering him so he wants to make sure everything's okay with me so he can talk about his problem. It makes me feel bad because he always puts me on the first place, holding his problems inside and not saying it out loud until everything is okay with me.

"not really" he said not much sure in what he is saying

"are you sure?" I asked sitting up beside him "what's wrong? Did something happened in the club?" I asked

"I'm not sure Grace, I really don't know" he said leaning his head back on the couch as I was just looking at him

"it's getting too much, too fucking much" he said as I got confused

"what do you mean?" I asked

"all the rumours, all the clubs who wants me, I don't want to go Grace, I want to stay where I am, I want to stay in Leicester, I want to move there, to live there with you but I can't. I can't plan anything because my whole life is in others hands. I know others players would be happy to move to some bigger club and so do I but Leicester is my city, my club and I want to give it to dad for everything he has done for me and I hate what you're doing. I want you beside me, I want you to be with me all along but I hate that you gave up on college because of me, I really hate it." he said not looking at me

I climb on his lap cupping his face so he was looking at me.

"that's how it works Leo, I'm okay with all of it as long as you're happy, as long as your health, both physical and mental, is good. I know you want to make your dad proud, I get that, but that's not how life works and you should know that. You have to know that your parents are going to be proud of you wherever you will be and James would be the happiest if you do what you want, what makes you happy not what you think he wants. I don't know, but I think he is just happy and proud that you brought the Maddison and number 10 back to Leicester and football world, no matter where you will end and finish your career for 10 or 15 years" I said cupping his face trying to show him, with looking in his eyes, how serious I am with all of this

"and I don't want you to worry about me, I know mum always saw me going to college just like she did but I did what makes me happy and what I want because I believe in that if your parents really wants the best for you they will be happy with anything you do and think is the best for you and this is what makes me happy and what I think is the best for me, being here with you, spending every free second of yours with you, this is all I want Leo, you and life with you" I said leaning my forehead against his

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