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"no....no....leave me....no...." mumbles woke me up in the middle of the night

I turned on light and then I remembered I'm in the hotel, with Leo sleeping on the floor next to the bed.

I looked down at him and he was sweating just mumbling no.

I lightly shook his shoulder but it didn't help.

"no....no...." that was all he was mumbling

"Leo....hey....wake up" I said shaking his shoulder

"NO" he shout and hit me on the shoulder with his hand still in a dream

I lightly groaned.

"Leo.... you're dreaming.....wake up please..... it's okay" I said pulling his hair away from his face

He grabbed my wrist and started to calm down. I put my other hand on his cheek rubbing my thumb over his cheek.

"it's okay" I whispered and he slowly opened his eyes

"what's going on? What are you doing here?" he asked pulling away from me and looking around him

"why are we in.....the hotel room? What happened?" he asked panicking as he stood up getting as away from as he could

"you had a bad dream" I said

"why are you in the hotel room with me?" he shout

"you had a fight with dad yesterday, you gave him all your cards and car, I went after you, we argue.....you kissed me..... and took me with you here.... nothing else happened, you were sleeping on the floor and I was on the bed" I said and he got back closer to me

"can I....get up?" he asked nervously and I bite my lip nodding

"just because you had a nightmare and I got scared" I said and he got up on the bed

"let's get back to sleep" he said and I wanted to turn off the light but he stopped me

"don't, leave it on" he said and I got confused wanting to ask way but he shook his head

"no, don't ask... I'm not gonna tell you" he said and I gave up

I laid on my left hip looking at him as he laid on his right hip looking at me.

"goodnight GR" he said

"goodnight LC" I said smiling lightly as he closed his eyes and I did the same

Since he left I always get mad when someone called me GR and that's why everyone stopped and noone even tried to call me that for last about nine years.

He used to call me that and I didn't want anyone else to call me that.


"thank you"

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Leo holding tray with food and I just smiled leaning against the back of the bed.

"morning" he smiled at me sitting beside me and putting tray between us

"I didn't know what you will want to eat so I order us classic british breakfast" he said and I just giggled

This Leo is totally opposite of Leo the last two months. This Leo is what I want to see and meet.

"thanks" I said and smiled at him thankfully

"no need to thank me, I can't leave you without food" he said and I laughed lightly

"we should let parents know where we are" I said and he frowned

"you can text or call yours, I'm not even thinking of calling mine" he said and I looked at him sadly


"don't....I need few days off....he didn't mean it I know but he can't think I'm gonna go sleep with some girl, come to him and say hey dad, you know I just slept with that girl, we that this, it was that, like, no, he need to understand that" he said and I didn't know what to say, he was right, but I also know that James was just worried about him

"at least text your mum you're okay" I said

"she wasn't happy when James let you leave that way" I added

"you gonna say you're with me and Ben and Ela are gonna tell mum and dad, that's enough for them after all" he said

"okay" I said and lightly smiled at him

"don't smile at me" he said causing me to smile even more

"don't do it" he said once again but I just laughed

In the next moment he put tray on the night stand starting to tickle me as we both laugh.

"stop" I said through laughter

"stop smiling at me then" he said stopping tickle me and looking at my eyes

He put the lock of my hair behind my ear  holding his hand on my cheek and gently rubbing his thumb over it as I melt.

"I can't let you fall for me" he said quietly

"why?" I asked touching his hand with mine

"I can't tell you, you just can't fall for me" he said

"you have a girlfriend?" I asked and he frowned

"I won't kiss you yesterday, I won't take you to the hotel with me if I have a girlfriend" he said "I'm not doing the girlfriend-boyfriend thing" he added

"why?" I asked

"I can't tell you" he said

"where you've been past a week?" I asked

"I can't tell you that either" he said and I was ready to roll my eyes but I didn't know what reaction I will get from him so I didn't

"why?" I asked

"because noone knows for that side of me, with that noone I mean not even my parents" he said

"what?.....are you.....drugs? alcohol? cigarettes?" I asked already disgusted

"no, it's worse" he said and I got scared

"that's all you can know now" he said

I looked away from him not knowing what to think, what is he doing that is that bad he can't tell anyone?

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